14 C251UserNotLocalWillForward = 251
20 C421ServiceUnavail = 421
23 C450MailboxUnavail = 450
29 C501BadParamSyntax = 501
32 C504ParamNotImpl = 504
38 C550MailboxUnavail = 550
39 C551UserNotLocal = 551
42 C554TransactionFailed = 554
43 C555UnrecognizedAddrParams = 555
47// Short enhanced reply codes, without leading number and first dot.
49// See https://www.iana.org/assignments/smtp-enhanced-status-codes/smtp-enhanced-status-codes.xhtml
51 // 0.x - Other or Undefined Status.
58 SeAddr1UnknownDestMailbox1 = "1.1"
59 SeAddr1UnknownSystem2 = "1.2"
60 SeAddr1MailboxSyntax3 = "1.3"
61 SeAddr1MailboxAmbiguous4 = "1.4"
62 SeAddr1DestValid5 = "1.5" // For success responses.
63 SeAddr1DestMailboxMoved6 = "1.6"
64 SeAddr1SenderSyntax7 = "1.7"
65 SeAddr1BadSenderSystemAddress8 = "1.8"
70 SeMailbox2Other0 = "2.0"
71 SeMailbox2Disabled1 = "2.1"
72 SeMailbox2Full2 = "2.2"
73 SeMailbox2MsgLimitExceeded3 = "2.3"
74 SeMailbox2MailListExpansion4 = "2.4"
79 SeSys3StorageFull1 = "3.1"
80 SeSys3NotAccepting2 = "3.2"
81 SeSys3NotSupported3 = "3.3"
82 SeSys3MsgLimitExceeded4 = "3.4"
83 SeSys3Misconfigured5 = "3.5"
85 // 4.x - Network and routing.
88 SeNet4NoAnswer1 = "4.1"
89 SeNet4BadConn2 = "4.2"
91 SeNet4Routing4 = "4.4"
92 SeNet4Congestion5 = "4.5"
94 SeNet4DeliveryExpired7 = "4.7"
96 // 5.x - Mail delivery protocol.
98 SeProto5Other0 = "5.0"
99 SeProto5BadCmdOrSeq1 = "5.1"
100 SeProto5Syntax2 = "5.2"
101 SeProto5TooManyRcpts3 = "5.3"
102 SeProto5BadParams4 = "5.4"
103 SeProto5ProtocolMismatch5 = "5.5"
106 // 6.x - Message content/media.
109 SeMsg6MediaUnsupported1 = "6.1"
110 SeMsg6ConversionProhibited2 = "6.2"
111 SeMsg6ConversionUnsupported3 = "6.3"
112 SeMsg6ConversionWithLoss4 = "6.4"
113 SeMsg6ConversionFailed5 = "6.5"
118 // 7.x - Security/policy.
121 SePol7DeliveryUnauth1 = "7.1"
122 SePol7ExpnProhibited2 = "7.2"
123 SePol7ConversionImpossible3 = "7.3"
124 SePol7Unsupported4 = "7.4"
125 SePol7CryptoFailure5 = "7.5"
126 SePol7CryptoUnsupported6 = "7.6"
127 SePol7MsgIntegrity7 = "7.7"