1package smtpserver
3import (
4 "fmt"
5 "net"
6 "os"
7 "path/filepath"
8 "testing"
9 "time"
11 "github.com/mjl-/bstore"
13 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dns"
14 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
15 "github.com/mjl-/mox/publicsuffix"
16 "github.com/mjl-/mox/smtp"
17 "github.com/mjl-/mox/store"
20var pkglog = mlog.New("smtpserver", nil)
22func TestReputation(t *testing.T) {
23 boolptr := func(v bool) *bool {
24 return &v
25 }
26 xtrue := boolptr(true)
27 xfalse := boolptr(false)
29 now := time.Now()
30 var uidgen store.UID
32 log := mlog.New("smtpserver", nil)
34 message := func(junk bool, ageDays int, ehlo, mailfrom, msgfrom, rcptto string, msgfromvalidation store.Validation, dkimDomains []string, mailfromValid, ehloValid bool, ip string) store.Message {
36 mailFromValidation := store.ValidationNone
37 if mailfromValid {
38 mailFromValidation = store.ValidationPass
39 }
40 ehloValidation := store.ValidationNone
41 if ehloValid {
42 ehloValidation = store.ValidationPass
43 }
45 msgFrom, err := smtp.ParseAddress(msgfrom)
46 if err != nil {
47 panic(fmt.Errorf("parsing msgfrom %q: %w", msgfrom, err))
48 }
50 rcptTo, err := smtp.ParseAddress(rcptto)
51 if err != nil {
52 panic(fmt.Errorf("parsing rcptto %q: %w", rcptto, err))
53 }
55 mailFrom := msgFrom
56 if mailfrom != "" {
57 mailFrom, err = smtp.ParseAddress(mailfrom)
58 if err != nil {
59 panic(fmt.Errorf("parsing mailfrom %q: %w", mailfrom, err))
60 }
61 }
63 ipmasked1, ipmasked2, ipmasked3 := ipmasked(net.ParseIP(ip))
65 uidgen++
66 m := store.Message{
67 UID: uidgen, // Not relevant here.
68 MailboxID: 1,
69 MailboxOrigID: 1,
70 Received: now.Add(time.Duration(-ageDays) * 24 * time.Hour),
71 RemoteIP: ip,
72 RemoteIPMasked1: ipmasked1,
73 RemoteIPMasked2: ipmasked2,
74 RemoteIPMasked3: ipmasked3,
76 EHLODomain: ehlo,
77 MailFrom: mailfrom,
78 MailFromLocalpart: mailFrom.Localpart,
79 MailFromDomain: mailFrom.Domain.Name(),
80 RcptToLocalpart: rcptTo.Localpart,
81 RcptToDomain: rcptTo.Domain.Name(),
83 MsgFromLocalpart: msgFrom.Localpart,
84 MsgFromDomain: msgFrom.Domain.Name(),
85 MsgFromOrgDomain: publicsuffix.Lookup(ctxbg, log.Logger, msgFrom.Domain).Name(),
87 MailFromValidated: mailfromValid,
88 EHLOValidated: ehloValid,
89 MsgFromValidated: msgfromvalidation == store.ValidationStrict || msgfromvalidation == store.ValidationRelaxed || msgfromvalidation == store.ValidationDMARC,
91 MailFromValidation: mailFromValidation,
92 EHLOValidation: ehloValidation,
93 MsgFromValidation: msgfromvalidation,
95 DKIMDomains: dkimDomains,
97 Flags: store.Flags{
98 Junk: junk,
99 Notjunk: !junk,
100 },
101 }
102 return m
103 }
105 check := func(m store.Message, history []store.Message, expJunk *bool, expConclusive bool, expMethod reputationMethod) {
106 t.Helper()
108 p := filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/smtpserver-reputation.db")
109 defer os.Remove(p)
111 opts := bstore.Options{Timeout: 5 * time.Second, RegisterLogger: log.Logger}
112 db, err := bstore.Open(ctxbg, p, &opts, store.DBTypes...)
113 tcheck(t, err, "open db")
114 defer db.Close()
116 err = db.Write(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
117 inbox := store.Mailbox{ID: 1, Name: "Inbox", HaveCounts: true}
118 err = tx.Insert(&inbox)
119 tcheck(t, err, "insert into db")
121 for _, hm := range history {
122 err := tx.Insert(&hm)
123 tcheck(t, err, "insert message")
124 inbox.Add(hm.MailboxCounts())
126 rcptToDomain, err := dns.ParseDomain(hm.RcptToDomain)
127 tcheck(t, err, "parse rcptToDomain")
128 rcptToOrgDomain := publicsuffix.Lookup(ctxbg, log.Logger, rcptToDomain)
129 r := store.Recipient{
130 MessageID: hm.ID,
131 Localpart: hm.RcptToLocalpart.String(),
132 Domain: hm.RcptToDomain,
133 OrgDomain: rcptToOrgDomain.Name(),
134 Sent: hm.Received,
135 }
136 err = tx.Insert(&r)
137 tcheck(t, err, "insert recipient")
138 }
139 err = tx.Update(&inbox)
140 tcheck(t, err, "update mailbox counts")
142 return nil
143 })
144 tcheck(t, err, "commit")
146 var isjunk *bool
147 var conclusive bool
148 var method reputationMethod
149 err = db.Read(ctxbg, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
150 var err error
151 isjunk, conclusive, method, err = reputation(tx, pkglog, &m)
152 return err
153 })
154 tcheck(t, err, "read tx")
156 if method != expMethod {
157 t.Fatalf("got method %q, expected %q", method, expMethod)
158 }
159 if conclusive != expConclusive {
160 t.Fatalf("got conclusive %v, expected %v", conclusive, expConclusive)
161 }
162 if (isjunk == nil) != (expJunk == nil) || (isjunk != nil && expJunk != nil && *isjunk != *expJunk) {
163 t.Fatalf("got isjunk %v, expected %v", isjunk, expJunk)
164 }
165 }
167 var msgs []store.Message
168 var m store.Message
170 msgs = []store.Message{
171 message(false, 4, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationDMARC, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
172 message(true, 3, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
173 message(false, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // causes accept
174 message(true, 1, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationRelaxed, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
175 }
176 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationDMARC, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, "")
177 check(m, msgs, xfalse, true, methodMsgfromFull)
179 // Two most recents are spam, reject.
180 msgs = []store.Message{
181 message(false, 3, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
182 message(true, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
183 message(true, 1, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationDMARC, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
184 }
185 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, "")
186 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, methodMsgfromFull)
188 // If localpart matches, other localsparts are not used.
189 msgs = []store.Message{
190 message(true, 3, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
191 message(true, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationRelaxed, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
192 message(false, 1, "host.othersite.example", "", "b@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationDMARC, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // other localpart, ignored
193 }
194 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationRelaxed, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, "")
195 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, methodMsgfromFull)
197 // Incoming message, we have only seen other unverified msgs from sender.
198 msgs = []store.Message{
199 message(true, 3, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
200 message(true, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
201 }
202 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, "")
203 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, methodMsgfromFull)
205 // Incoming message, we have only seen verified msgs from sender, and at least two, so this is a likely but inconclusive spam.
206 msgs = []store.Message{
207 message(false, 3, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
208 message(false, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
209 }
210 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{}, false, false, "")
211 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, methodMsgfromFull)
213 // Incoming message, we have only seen 1 verified message from sender, so inconclusive for reject.
214 msgs = []store.Message{
215 message(false, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
216 }
217 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{}, false, false, "")
218 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, methodMsgfromFull)
220 // Incoming message, we have only seen 1 verified message from sender, and it was spam, so we can safely reject.
221 msgs = []store.Message{
222 message(true, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
223 }
224 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{}, false, false, "")
225 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, methodMsgfromFull)
227 // We received spam from other senders in the domain, but we sent to msgfrom.
228 msgs = []store.Message{
229 message(true, 3, "host.othersite.example", "", "a@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""), // other localpart
230 message(false, 2, "host.local.example", "", "mjl@local.example", "other@remote.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{}, false, false, ""), // we sent to remote, accept
231 message(true, 1, "host.othersite.example", "", "a@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""), // other localpart
232 message(true, 1, "host.othersite.example", "", "a@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""), // other localpart
233 }
234 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{}, false, false, "")
235 check(m, msgs, xfalse, true, methodMsgtoFull)
237 // Other messages in same domain, inconclusive.
238 msgs = []store.Message{
239 message(true, 7*30, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
240 message(false, 3*30, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
241 message(true, 3*30, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
242 message(false, 3*30, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
243 message(true, 3*30, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
244 message(false, 8, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
245 message(false, 8, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
246 message(false, 4, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
247 message(true, 2, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
248 message(false, 1, "host.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
249 }
250 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, "")
251 check(m, msgs, nil, false, methodMsgfromDomain)
253 // Mostly ham, so we'll allow it.
254 msgs = []store.Message{
255 message(false, 7*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
256 message(false, 3*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
257 message(false, 3*30, "host2.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite3.example"}, true, true, ""),
258 message(false, 3*30, "host2.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
259 message(false, 3*30, "host3.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
260 message(false, 8, "host3.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
261 message(false, 8, "host4.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
262 message(false, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
263 message(false, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
264 message(true, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"none.example"}, true, true, ""),
265 }
266 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example", "othersite3.example"}, true, true, "")
267 check(m, msgs, xfalse, true, methodMsgfromDomain)
269 // Not clearly spam, so inconclusive.
270 msgs = []store.Message{
271 message(true, 3*30, "host3.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
272 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
273 message(true, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
274 message(false, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"none.example"}, true, true, ""),
275 }
276 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example", "othersite3.example"}, true, true, "")
277 check(m, msgs, nil, false, methodMsgfromDomain)
279 // We only received spam from this domain by at least 3 localparts: reject.
280 msgs = []store.Message{
281 message(true, 3*30, "host3.othersite.example", "", "a@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
282 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "", "b@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
283 message(true, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "", "c@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
284 message(true, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "", "c@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"none.example"}, true, true, ""),
285 }
286 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example", "othersite3.example"}, true, true, "")
287 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, methodMsgfromDomain)
289 // We only received spam from this org domain by at least 3 localparts. so reject.
290 msgs = []store.Message{
291 message(true, 3*30, "host3.othersite.example", "", "a@a.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
292 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "", "b@b.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
293 message(true, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "", "c@c.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
294 message(true, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "", "c@c.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"none.example"}, true, true, ""),
295 }
296 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@d.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example", "othersite3.example"}, true, true, "")
297 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, methodMsgfromOrgDomain)
299 // We've only seen spam, but we don"t want to reject an entire domain with only 2 froms, so inconclusive.
300 msgs = []store.Message{
301 message(true, 2*30, "host3.othersite.example", "", "a@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
302 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "", "a@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
303 message(true, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "", "b@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
304 message(true, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "", "b@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
305 }
306 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, "")
307 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, methodMsgfromDomain)
309 // we"ve only seen spam, but we don"t want to reject an entire orgdomain with only 2 froms, so inconclusive.
310 msgs = []store.Message{
311 message(true, 2*30, "host3.othersite.example", "", "a@a.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
312 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "", "a@a.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
313 message(true, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "", "b@b.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
314 message(true, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "", "b@b.remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, ""),
315 }
316 m = message(false, 0, "host.othersite.example", "", "other@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"remote.example"}, true, true, "")
317 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, methodMsgfromOrgDomain)
319 // All dkim/spf signs are good, so accept.
320 msgs = []store.Message{
321 message(false, 2*30, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "a@espcustomer1.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
322 message(false, 4, "host4.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "b@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
323 message(false, 2, "host5.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "c@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
324 message(false, 1, "host5.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "d@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer2.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
325 }
326 m = message(false, 0, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "other@espcustomer3.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer3.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, "")
327 check(m, msgs, xfalse, true, "dkimspf")
329 // All dkim/spf signs are bad, so reject.
330 msgs = []store.Message{
331 message(true, 2*30, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "a@espcustomer1.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
332 message(true, 4, "host4.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "b@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
333 message(true, 2, "host5.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "c@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
334 message(true, 1, "host5.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "d@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer2.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
335 }
336 m = message(false, 0, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "other@espcustomer3.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer3.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, "")
337 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, "dkimspf")
339 // Mixed dkim/spf signals, inconclusive.
340 msgs = []store.Message{
341 message(false, 2*30, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "a@espcustomer1.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
342 message(false, 4, "host4.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "b@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
343 message(true, 2, "host5.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "c@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
344 message(true, 1, "host5.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "d@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer2.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
345 }
346 m = message(false, 0, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "other@espcustomer3.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer3.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, "")
347 check(m, msgs, nil, false, "dkimspf")
349 // Just one dkim/spf message, enough for accept.
350 msgs = []store.Message{
351 message(false, 4, "host4.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "b@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
352 }
353 m = message(false, 0, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "other@espcustomer3.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer3.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, "")
354 check(m, msgs, xfalse, true, "dkimspf")
356 // Just one dkim/spf message, not enough for reject.
357 msgs = []store.Message{
358 message(true, 4, "host4.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "b@espcustomer2.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"esp.example"}, true, true, ""),
359 }
360 m = message(false, 0, "host3.esp.example", "bulk@esp.example", "other@espcustomer3.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationNone, []string{"espcustomer3.example", "esp.example"}, true, true, "")
361 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, "dkimspf")
363 // The exact IP is almost bad, but we need 3 msgs. Other IPs don't matter.
364 msgs = []store.Message{
365 message(false, 7*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // too old
366 message(true, 4*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
367 message(true, 2*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
368 message(true, 1*30, "host2.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite3.example"}, true, true, ""), // irrelevant
369 }
370 m = message(false, 0, "host.different.example", "sender@different.example", "other@other.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{}, true, true, "")
371 check(m, msgs, xtrue, false, "ip1")
373 // The exact IP is almost ok, so accept.
374 msgs = []store.Message{
375 message(true, 7*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // too old
376 message(false, 2*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
377 message(false, 2*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
378 message(false, 2*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
379 message(false, 1*30, "host2.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite3.example"}, true, true, ""), // irrelevant
380 }
381 m = message(false, 0, "host.different.example", "sender@different.example", "other@other.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{}, true, true, "")
382 check(m, msgs, xfalse, true, "ip1")
384 // The exact IP is bad, with enough msgs. Other IPs don't matter.
385 msgs = []store.Message{
386 message(true, 4*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // too old
387 message(true, 2*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
388 message(true, 2*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
389 message(true, 1*30, "host1.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
390 message(true, 1*30, "host2.othersite.example", "", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite3.example"}, true, true, ""), // irrelevant
391 }
392 m = message(false, 0, "host.different.example", "sender@different.example", "other@other.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{}, true, true, "")
393 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, "ip1")
395 // No exact ip match, nearby IPs (we need 5) are all bad, so reject.
396 msgs = []store.Message{
397 message(true, 2*30, "host2.othersite.example", "sender3@othersite3.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite3.example"}, true, true, ""),
398 message(true, 2*30, "host2.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
399 message(false, 2*30, "host3.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // other ip
400 message(false, 8, "host3.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""), // other ip
401 message(true, 8, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
402 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
403 message(true, 2, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
404 message(false, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""), // other ip
405 message(false, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"none.example"}, true, true, ""), // other ip
406 }
407 m = message(false, 0, "host.different.example", "sender@different.example", "other@other.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{}, true, true, "")
408 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, "ip2")
410 // IPs further away are bad (we need 10), reject.
411 msgs = []store.Message{
412 message(true, 2*30, "host2.othersite.example", "sender3@othersite3.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite3.example"}, true, true, ""),
413 message(true, 2*30, "host2.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
414 message(true, 2*30, "host2.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
415 message(true, 2*30, "host3.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
416 message(true, 8, "host3.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
417 message(true, 8, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite2.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite2.example"}, true, true, ""),
418 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
419 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
420 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
421 message(true, 4, "host4.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
422 message(false, 2, "host5.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"othersite.example"}, true, true, ""),
423 message(false, 1, "host5.othersite.example", "sender@othersite.example", "second@remote.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{"none.example"}, true, true, ""),
424 }
425 m = message(false, 0, "host.different.example", "sender@different.example", "other@other.example", "mjl@local.example", store.ValidationStrict, []string{}, true, true, "")
426 check(m, msgs, xtrue, true, "ip3")