1package webops
3import (
4 "archive/tar"
5 "archive/zip"
6 "compress/gzip"
7 "fmt"
8 "mime"
9 "net/http"
10 "strings"
11 "time"
13 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
14 "github.com/mjl-/mox/store"
17// Export is used by webmail and webaccount to export messages of one or
18// multiple mailboxes, in maildir or mbox format, in a tar/tgz/zip archive or
19// direct mbox.
20func Export(log mlog.Log, accName string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
21 if r.Method != "POST" {
22 http.Error(w, "405 - method not allowed - use post", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
23 return
24 }
26 mailbox := r.FormValue("mailbox") // Empty means all.
27 format := r.FormValue("format")
28 archive := r.FormValue("archive")
29 recursive := r.FormValue("recursive") != ""
30 switch format {
31 case "maildir", "mbox":
32 default:
33 http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - unknown format", http.StatusBadRequest)
34 return
35 }
36 switch archive {
37 case "none", "tar", "tgz", "zip":
38 default:
39 http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - unknown archive", http.StatusBadRequest)
40 return
41 }
42 if archive == "none" && (format != "mbox" || recursive) {
43 http.Error(w, "400 - bad request - archive none can only be used with non-recursive mbox", http.StatusBadRequest)
44 return
45 }
47 acc, err := store.OpenAccount(log, accName, false)
48 if err != nil {
49 log.Errorx("open account for export", err)
50 http.Error(w, "500 - internal server error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
51 return
52 }
53 defer func() {
54 err := acc.Close()
55 log.Check(err, "closing account")
56 }()
58 name := strings.ReplaceAll(mailbox, "/", "-")
59 if name == "" {
60 name = "all"
61 }
62 filename := fmt.Sprintf("mailexport-%s-%s", name, time.Now().Format("20060102-150405"))
63 filename += "." + format
64 var archiver store.Archiver
65 if archive == "none" {
66 w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/mbox")
67 archiver = &store.MboxArchiver{Writer: w}
68 } else if archive == "tar" {
69 // Don't tempt browsers to "helpfully" decompress.
70 w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/x-tar")
71 archiver = store.TarArchiver{Writer: tar.NewWriter(w)}
72 filename += ".tar"
73 } else if archive == "tgz" {
74 // Don't tempt browsers to "helpfully" decompress.
75 w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
77 gzw := gzip.NewWriter(w)
78 defer func() {
79 _ = gzw.Close()
80 }()
81 archiver = store.TarArchiver{Writer: tar.NewWriter(gzw)}
82 filename += ".tgz"
83 } else {
84 w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/zip")
85 archiver = store.ZipArchiver{Writer: zip.NewWriter(w)}
86 filename += ".zip"
87 }
88 defer func() {
89 err := archiver.Close()
90 log.Check(err, "exporting mail close")
91 }()
92 w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", mime.FormatMediaType("attachment", map[string]string{"filename": filename}))
93 if err := store.ExportMessages(r.Context(), log, acc.DB, acc.Dir, archiver, format == "maildir", mailbox, recursive); err != nil {
94 log.Errorx("exporting mail", err)
95 }