3// todo: allow more invalid content-type values, we now stop parsing on: empty media type (eg "content-type: ; name=..."), empty value for property (eg "charset=", missing quotes for characters that should be quoted (eg boundary containing "=" but without quotes), duplicate properties (two charsets), empty pairs (eg "text/html;;").
4// todo: should we be forgiving when closing boundary in multipart message is missing? seems like spam messages do this...
5// todo: should we allow base64 messages where a line starts with a space? and possibly more whitespace. is happening in messages. coreutils base64 accepts it, encoding/base64 does not.
6// todo: handle comments in headers?
7// todo: should we just always store messages with \n instead of \r\n? \r\n seems easier for use with imap.
8// todo: can use a cleanup
19 "mime/quotedprintable"
25 "golang.org/x/text/encoding/ianaindex"
27 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
28 "github.com/mjl-/mox/smtp"
31// Pedantic enables stricter parsing.
35 ErrBadContentType = errors.New("bad content-type")
39 errNotMultipart = errors.New("not a multipart message")
40 errFirstBoundCloses = errors.New("first boundary cannot be finishing boundary")
41 errLineTooLong = errors.New("line too long")
42 errMissingBoundaryParam = errors.New("missing/empty boundary content-type parameter")
43 errMissingClosingBoundary = errors.New("eof without closing boundary")
44 errBareLF = errors.New("invalid bare line feed")
45 errBareCR = errors.New("invalid bare carriage return")
46 errUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("unexpected eof")
49// If set, during tests, attempts to reparse a part will cause an error, because sequentially reading parts should not lead to reparsing.
50var enforceSequential bool
52// Part represents a whole mail message, or a part of a multipart message. It
53// is designed to handle IMAP requirements efficiently.
55 BoundaryOffset int64 // Offset in message where bound starts. -1 for top-level message.
56 HeaderOffset int64 // Offset in message file where header starts.
57 BodyOffset int64 // Offset in message file where body starts.
58 EndOffset int64 // Where body of part ends. Set when part is fully read.
59 RawLineCount int64 // Number of lines in raw, undecoded, body of part. Set when part is fully read.
60 DecodedSize int64 // Number of octets when decoded. If this is a text mediatype, lines ending only in LF are changed end in CRLF and DecodedSize reflects that.
62 MediaType string // From Content-Type, upper case. E.g. "TEXT". Can be empty because content-type may be absent. In this case, the part may be treated as TEXT/PLAIN.
63 MediaSubType string // From Content-Type, upper case. E.g. "PLAIN".
64 ContentTypeParams map[string]string // E.g. holds "boundary" for multipart messages. Has lower-case keys, and original case values.
66 ContentDescription string
67 ContentTransferEncoding string // In upper case.
68 Envelope *Envelope // Email message headers. Not for non-message parts.
70 Parts []Part // Parts if this is a multipart.
72 // Only for message/rfc822 and message/global. This part may have a buffer as
73 // backing io.ReaderAt, because a message/global can have a non-identity
74 // content-transfer-encoding. This part has a nil parent.
78 header textproto.MIMEHeader // Parsed header.
79 nextBoundOffset int64 // If >= 0, the offset where the next part header starts. We can set this when a user fully reads each part.
80 lastBoundOffset int64 // Start of header of last/previous part. Used to skip a part if ParseNextPart is called and nextBoundOffset is -1.
81 parent *Part // Parent part, for getting bound from, and setting nextBoundOffset when a part has finished reading. Only for subparts, not top-level parts.
82 bound []byte // Only set if valid multipart with boundary, includes leading --, excludes \r\n.
83 strict bool // If set, valid crlf line endings are verified when reading body.
86// todo: have all Content* fields in Part?
87// todo: make Address contain a type Localpart and dns.Domain?
88// todo: if we ever make a major change and reparse all parts, switch to lower-case values if not too troublesome.
90// Envelope holds the basic/common message headers as used in IMAP4.
93 Subject string // Q/B-word-decoded.
100 InReplyTo string // From In-Reply-To header, includes <>.
101 MessageID string // From Message-Id header, includes <>.
104// Address as used in From and To headers.
106 Name string // Free-form name for display in mail applications.
107 User string // Localpart, encoded as string. Must be parsed before using as Localpart.
108 Host string // Domain in ASCII.
111// Parse reads the headers of the mail message and returns a part.
112// A part provides access to decoded and raw contents of a message and its multiple parts.
114// If strict is set, fewer attempts are made to continue parsing when errors are
115// encountered, such as with invalid content-type headers or bare carriage returns.
116func Parse(elog *slog.Logger, strict bool, r io.ReaderAt) (Part, error) {
117 log := mlog.New("message", elog)
118 return newPart(log, strict, r, 0, nil)
121// EnsurePart parses a part as with Parse, but ensures a usable part is always
122// returned, even if error is non-nil. If a parse error occurs, the message is
123// returned as application/octet-stream, and headers can still be read if they
126// If strict is set, fewer attempts are made to continue parsing when errors are
127// encountered, such as with invalid content-type headers or bare carriage returns.
128func EnsurePart(elog *slog.Logger, strict bool, r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (Part, error) {
129 log := mlog.New("message", elog)
130 p, err := Parse(log.Logger, strict, r)
132 err = p.Walk(log.Logger, nil)
135 np, err2 := fallbackPart(p, r, size)
144func fallbackPart(p Part, r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (Part, error) {
146 HeaderOffset: p.HeaderOffset,
147 BodyOffset: p.BodyOffset,
149 MediaType: "APPLICATION",
150 MediaSubType: "OCTET-STREAM",
151 ContentTypeParams: p.ContentTypeParams,
152 ContentID: p.ContentID,
153 ContentDescription: p.ContentDescription,
154 ContentTransferEncoding: p.ContentTransferEncoding,
155 Envelope: p.Envelope,
157 // - BoundaryOffset: irrelevant for top-level message.
158 // - RawLineCount and DecodedSize: set below.
159 // - Parts: we are not treating this as a multipart message.
162 // By reading body, the number of lines and decoded size will be set.
163 _, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, np.Reader())
167// SetReaderAt sets r as reader for this part and all its sub parts, recursively.
168// No reader is set for any Message subpart, see SetMessageReaderAt.
169func (p *Part) SetReaderAt(r io.ReaderAt) {
174 for i := range p.Parts {
180// SetMessageReaderAt sets a reader on p.Message, which must be non-nil.
181func (p *Part) SetMessageReaderAt() error {
182 // todo: if p.Message does not contain any non-identity content-transfer-encoding, we should set an offsetReader of p.Message, recursively.
183 buf, err := io.ReadAll(p.Reader())
187 p.Message.SetReaderAt(bytes.NewReader(buf))
191// Walk through message, decoding along the way, and collecting mime part offsets and sizes, and line counts.
192func (p *Part) Walk(elog *slog.Logger, parent *Part) error {
193 log := mlog.New("message", elog)
195 if len(p.bound) == 0 {
196 if p.MediaType == "MESSAGE" && (p.MediaSubType == "RFC822" || p.MediaSubType == "GLOBAL") {
197 // todo: don't read whole submessage in memory...
198 buf, err := io.ReadAll(p.Reader())
202 br := bytes.NewReader(buf)
203 mp, err := Parse(log.Logger, p.strict, br)
205 return fmt.Errorf("parsing embedded message: %w", err)
207 if err := mp.Walk(log.Logger, nil); err != nil {
208 // If this is a DSN and we are not in pedantic mode, accept unexpected end of
209 // message. This is quite common because MTA's sometimes just truncate the original
210 // message in a place that makes the message invalid.
211 if errors.Is(err, errUnexpectedEOF) && !Pedantic && parent != nil && len(parent.Parts) >= 3 && p == &parent.Parts[2] && parent.MediaType == "MULTIPART" && parent.MediaSubType == "REPORT" {
212 mp, err = fallbackPart(mp, br, int64(len(buf)))
214 return fmt.Errorf("parsing invalid embedded message: %w", err)
217 return fmt.Errorf("parsing parts of embedded message: %w", err)
220 // todo: if mp does not contain any non-identity content-transfer-encoding, we should set an offsetReader of p.r on mp, recursively.
224 _, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, p.Reader())
229 pp, err := p.ParseNextPart(log.Logger)
236 if err := pp.Walk(log.Logger, p); err != nil {
242// String returns a debugging representation of the part.
243func (p *Part) String() string {
244 return fmt.Sprintf("&Part{%s/%s offsets %d/%d/%d/%d lines %d decodedsize %d next %d last %d bound %q parts %v}", p.MediaType, p.MediaSubType, p.BoundaryOffset, p.HeaderOffset, p.BodyOffset, p.EndOffset, p.RawLineCount, p.DecodedSize, p.nextBoundOffset, p.lastBoundOffset, p.bound, p.Parts)
247// newPart parses a new part, which can be the top-level message.
248// offset is the bound offset for parts, and the start of message for top-level messages. parent indicates if this is a top-level message or sub-part.
249// If an error occurs, p's exported values can still be relevant. EnsurePart uses these values.
250func newPart(log mlog.Log, strict bool, r io.ReaderAt, offset int64, parent *Part) (p Part, rerr error) {
262 b := &bufAt{strict: strict, r: r, offset: offset}
265 p.BoundaryOffset = offset
266 if line, _, err := b.ReadLine(true); err != nil {
268 } else if match, finish := checkBound(line, parent.bound); !match {
269 return p, fmt.Errorf("missing bound")
271 return p, fmt.Errorf("new part for closing boundary")
276 p.HeaderOffset = b.offset
277 p.BodyOffset = b.offset
278 hb := &bytes.Buffer{}
280 line, _, err := b.ReadLine(true)
286 return p, fmt.Errorf("reading header line: %w", err)
293 p.BodyOffset = b.offset
295 // Don't attempt to parse empty header, mail.ReadMessage doesn't like it.
296 if p.HeaderOffset == p.BodyOffset {
297 p.header = textproto.MIMEHeader{}
299 h, err := parseHeader(hb)
301 return p, fmt.Errorf("parsing header: %w", err)
306 ct := p.header.Get("Content-Type")
307 mt, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(ct)
308 if err != nil && ct != "" {
309 if Pedantic || strict {
310 return p, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s: %q", ErrBadContentType, err, ct)
313 // Try parsing just a content-type, ignoring parameters.
315 ct = strings.TrimSpace(strings.SplitN(ct, ";", 2)[0])
316 t := strings.SplitN(ct, "/", 2)
317 isToken := func(s string) bool {
319 for _, c := range s {
320 if c < 0x20 || c >= 0x80 || strings.ContainsRune(separators, c) {
326 // We cannot recover content-type of multipart, we won't have a boundary.
327 if len(t) == 2 && isToken(t[0]) && !strings.EqualFold(t[0], "multipart") && isToken(t[1]) {
328 p.MediaType = strings.ToUpper(t[0])
329 p.MediaSubType = strings.ToUpper(t[1])
331 p.MediaType = "APPLICATION"
332 p.MediaSubType = "OCTET-STREAM"
334 log.Debugx("malformed content-type, attempting to recover and continuing", err,
335 slog.String("contenttype", p.header.Get("Content-Type")),
336 slog.String("mediatype", p.MediaType),
337 slog.String("mediasubtype", p.MediaSubType))
339 t := strings.SplitN(strings.ToUpper(mt), "/", 2)
341 if Pedantic || strict {
342 return p, fmt.Errorf("bad content-type: %q (content-type %q)", mt, ct)
344 log.Debug("malformed media-type, ignoring and continuing", slog.String("type", mt))
345 p.MediaType = "APPLICATION"
346 p.MediaSubType = "OCTET-STREAM"
349 p.MediaSubType = t[1]
350 p.ContentTypeParams = params
354 p.ContentID = p.header.Get("Content-Id")
355 p.ContentDescription = p.header.Get("Content-Description")
356 p.ContentTransferEncoding = strings.ToUpper(p.header.Get("Content-Transfer-Encoding"))
359 p.Envelope, err = parseEnvelope(log, mail.Header(p.header))
365 if p.MediaType == "MULTIPART" {
366 s := params["boundary"]
368 return p, errMissingBoundaryParam
370 p.bound = append([]byte("--"), s...)
372 // Discard preamble, before first boundary.
374 line, _, err := b.PeekLine(true)
376 return p, fmt.Errorf("parsing line for part preamble: %w", err)
379 // Well, for compatibility, we require whitespace after the boundary. Because some
380 // software use the same boundary but with text appended for sub parts.
381 if match, finish := checkBound(line, p.bound); match {
383 return p, errFirstBoundCloses
389 p.nextBoundOffset = b.offset
390 p.lastBoundOffset = b.offset
396// Header returns the parsed header of this part.
397func (p *Part) Header() (textproto.MIMEHeader, error) {
401 if p.HeaderOffset == p.BodyOffset {
402 p.header = textproto.MIMEHeader{}
405 h, err := parseHeader(p.HeaderReader())
410// HeaderReader returns a reader for the header section of this part, including ending bare CRLF.
411func (p *Part) HeaderReader() io.Reader {
412 return io.NewSectionReader(p.r, p.HeaderOffset, p.BodyOffset-p.HeaderOffset)
415// parse a header, only call this on non-empty input (even though that is a valid header).
416func parseHeader(r io.Reader) (textproto.MIMEHeader, error) {
417 // We read using mail.ReadMessage instead of textproto.ReadMIMEHeaders because the
418 // first handles email messages properly, while the second only works for HTTP
420 var zero textproto.MIMEHeader
422 // We read the header and add the optional \r\n header/body separator. If the \r\n
423 // is missing, parsing with Go <1.21 results in an EOF error.
424 // todo: directly parse from reader r when Go 1.20 is no longer supported.
425 buf, err := io.ReadAll(r)
429 if bytes.HasSuffix(buf, []byte("\r\n")) && !bytes.HasSuffix(buf, []byte("\r\n\r\n")) {
430 buf = append(buf, "\r\n"...)
432 msg, err := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(buf))
436 return textproto.MIMEHeader(msg.Header), nil
439var wordDecoder = mime.WordDecoder{
440 CharsetReader: func(charset string, r io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
441 switch strings.ToLower(charset) {
442 case "", "us-ascii", "utf-8":
445 enc, _ := ianaindex.MIME.Encoding(charset)
447 enc, _ = ianaindex.IANA.Encoding(charset)
450 return r, fmt.Errorf("unknown charset %q", charset)
452 return enc.NewDecoder().Reader(r), nil
456func parseEnvelope(log mlog.Log, h mail.Header) (*Envelope, error) {
459 // We currently marshal this field to JSON. But JSON cannot represent all
460 // time.Time. Time zone of 24:00 was seen in the wild. We won't try for extreme
461 // years, but we can readjust timezones.
462 // todo: remove this once we no longer store using json.
463 _, offset := date.Zone()
464 if date.Year() > 9999 {
466 } else if offset <= -24*3600 || offset >= 24*3600 {
467 date = time.Unix(date.Unix(), 0).UTC()
470 subject := h.Get("Subject")
471 if s, err := wordDecoder.DecodeHeader(subject); err == nil {
478 parseAddressList(log, h, "from"),
479 parseAddressList(log, h, "sender"),
480 parseAddressList(log, h, "reply-to"),
481 parseAddressList(log, h, "to"),
482 parseAddressList(log, h, "cc"),
483 parseAddressList(log, h, "bcc"),
484 h.Get("In-Reply-To"),
490func parseAddressList(log mlog.Log, h mail.Header, k string) []Address {
491 // todo: possibly work around ios mail generating incorrect q-encoded "phrases" with unencoded double quotes?
492 l, err := h.AddressList(k)
497 for _, a := range l {
499 var user, host string
500 addr, err := smtp.ParseAddress(a.Address)
502 log.Infox("parsing address (continuing)", err, slog.Any("address", a.Address))
504 user = addr.Localpart.String()
505 host = addr.Domain.ASCII
507 r = append(r, Address{a.Name, user, host})
512// ParseNextPart parses the next (sub)part of this multipart message.
513// ParseNextPart returns io.EOF and a nil part when there are no more parts.
514// Only used for initial parsing of message. Once parsed, use p.Parts.
515func (p *Part) ParseNextPart(elog *slog.Logger) (*Part, error) {
516 log := mlog.New("message", elog)
518 if len(p.bound) == 0 {
519 return nil, errNotMultipart
521 if p.nextBoundOffset == -1 {
522 if enforceSequential {
523 panic("access not sequential")
525 // Set nextBoundOffset by fully reading the last part.
526 last, err := newPart(log, p.strict, p.r, p.lastBoundOffset, p)
530 if _, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, last.RawReader()); err != nil {
533 if p.nextBoundOffset == -1 {
534 return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: reading part did not set nextBoundOffset")
537 b := &bufAt{strict: p.strict, r: p.r, offset: p.nextBoundOffset}
538 // todo: should we require a crlf on final closing bound? we don't require it because some message/rfc822 don't have a crlf after their closing boundary, so those messages don't end in crlf.
539 line, crlf, err := b.ReadLine(false)
543 if match, finish := checkBound(line, p.bound); !match {
544 return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected bound, got %q", line)
546 // Read any trailing data.
549 line, _, err := b.PeekLine(false)
553 if match, _ := checkBound(line, p.parent.bound); match {
558 if p.parent.lastBoundOffset == p.BoundaryOffset {
559 p.parent.nextBoundOffset = b.offset
562 p.EndOffset = b.offset
565 return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-finishing bound without crlf: %w", errUnexpectedEOF)
567 boundOffset := p.nextBoundOffset
568 p.lastBoundOffset = boundOffset
569 p.nextBoundOffset = -1
570 np, err := newPart(log, p.strict, p.r, boundOffset, p)
574 p.Parts = append(p.Parts, np)
575 return &p.Parts[len(p.Parts)-1], nil
578// IsDSN returns whether the MIME structure of the part is a DSN.
579func (p *Part) IsDSN() bool {
580 return p.MediaType == "MULTIPART" &&
581 p.MediaSubType == "REPORT" &&
583 p.Parts[1].MediaType == "MESSAGE" &&
584 (p.Parts[1].MediaSubType == "DELIVERY-STATUS" || p.Parts[1].MediaSubType == "GLOBAL-DELIVERY-STATUS")
587// Reader returns a reader for the decoded body content.
588func (p *Part) Reader() io.Reader {
589 return p.bodyReader(p.RawReader())
592// ReaderUTF8OrBinary returns a reader for the decoded body content, transformed to
593// utf-8 for known mime/iana encodings (only if they aren't us-ascii or utf-8
594// already). For unknown or missing character sets/encodings, the original reader
596func (p *Part) ReaderUTF8OrBinary() io.Reader {
597 return DecodeReader(p.ContentTypeParams["charset"], p.Reader())
600func (p *Part) bodyReader(r io.Reader) io.Reader {
601 r = newDecoder(p.ContentTransferEncoding, r)
602 if p.MediaType == "TEXT" {
603 return &textReader{p, bufio.NewReader(r), 0, false}
605 return &countReader{p, r, 0}
608// countReader is an io.Reader that passes Reads to the underlying reader.
609// when eof is read, it sets p.DecodedSize to the number of bytes returned.
610type countReader struct {
616func (cr *countReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
617 n, err := cr.r.Read(buf)
622 cr.p.DecodedSize = cr.count
627// textReader is an io.Reader that ensures all lines return end in CRLF.
628// when eof is read from the underlying reader, it sets p.DecodedSize.
629type textReader struct {
633 prevcr bool // If previous byte returned was a CR.
636func (tr *textReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
639 c, err := tr.r.ReadByte()
642 tr.p.DecodedSize = tr.count
645 if c == '\n' && !tr.prevcr {
653 tr.prevcr = c == '\r'
660func newDecoder(cte string, r io.Reader) io.Reader {
664 return base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, r)
666 return quotedprintable.NewReader(r)
671// RawReader returns a reader for the raw, undecoded body content. E.g. with
672// quoted-printable or base64 content intact.
673// Fully reading a part helps its parent part find its next part efficiently.
674func (p *Part) RawReader() io.Reader {
676 panic("missing reader")
678 if p.EndOffset >= 0 {
679 return &crlfReader{strict: p.strict, r: io.NewSectionReader(p.r, p.BodyOffset, p.EndOffset-p.BodyOffset)}
683 return &offsetReader{p, p.BodyOffset, p.strict, true, false, 0}
685 return &boundReader{p: p, b: &bufAt{strict: p.strict, r: p.r, offset: p.BodyOffset}, prevlf: true}
688// crlfReader verifies there are no bare newlines and optionally no bare carriage returns.
689type crlfReader struct {
695func (r *crlfReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
696 n, err := r.r.Read(buf)
697 if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
698 for _, b := range buf[:n] {
699 if b == '\n' && !r.prevcr {
702 } else if b != '\n' && r.prevcr && (r.strict || Pedantic) {
712// bufAt is a buffered reader on an underlying ReaderAt.
713// bufAt verifies that lines end with crlf.
715 offset int64 // Offset in r currently consumed, i.e. not including any buffered data.
719 buf []byte // Buffered data.
720 nbuf int // Valid bytes in buf.
724// Messages should not have lines longer than 78+2 bytes, and must not have
725// lines longer than 998+2 bytes. But in practice they have longer lines. We
726// have a higher limit, but for when parsing with strict we check for the 1000
729const maxLineLength = 8 * 1024
731func (b *bufAt) maxLineLength() int {
732 if b.strict || Pedantic {
738// ensure makes sure b.nbuf is up to maxLineLength, unless eof is encountered.
739func (b *bufAt) ensure() error {
740 for _, c := range b.buf[:b.nbuf] {
745 if b.scratch == nil {
746 b.scratch = make([]byte, b.maxLineLength())
749 b.buf = make([]byte, b.maxLineLength())
751 for b.nbuf < b.maxLineLength() {
752 n, err := b.r.ReadAt(b.buf[b.nbuf:], b.offset+int64(b.nbuf))
756 if err != nil && err != io.EOF || err == io.EOF && b.nbuf+n == 0 {
759 if n == 0 || err == io.EOF {
766// ReadLine reads a line until \r\n is found, returning the line including \r\n.
767// If not found, or a bare \n is encountered, or a bare \r is enountered in pedantic mode, ReadLine returns an error.
768func (b *bufAt) ReadLine(requirecrlf bool) (buf []byte, crlf bool, err error) {
769 return b.line(true, requirecrlf)
772func (b *bufAt) PeekLine(requirecrlf bool) (buf []byte, crlf bool, err error) {
773 return b.line(false, requirecrlf)
776func (b *bufAt) line(consume, requirecrlf bool) (buf []byte, crlf bool, err error) {
777 if err := b.ensure(); err != nil {
778 return nil, false, err
780 for i, c := range b.buf[:b.nbuf] {
782 // Should have seen a \r, which should have been handled below.
783 return nil, false, errBareLF
789 if i >= b.nbuf || b.buf[i] != '\n' {
790 if b.strict || Pedantic {
791 return nil, false, errBareCR
795 b.scratch = b.scratch[:i+1]
796 copy(b.scratch, b.buf[:i+1])
798 copy(b.buf, b.buf[i+1:])
799 b.offset += int64(i + 1)
802 return b.scratch, true, nil
804 if b.nbuf >= b.maxLineLength() {
805 return nil, false, errLineTooLong
808 return nil, false, errUnexpectedEOF
810 b.scratch = b.scratch[:b.nbuf]
811 copy(b.scratch, b.buf[:b.nbuf])
813 b.offset += int64(b.nbuf)
816 return b.scratch, false, nil
819// PeekByte returns the next unread byte, or an error.
820func (b *bufAt) PeekByte() (byte, error) {
821 if err := b.ensure(); err != nil {
830// offsetReader reads from p.r starting from offset, and RawLineCount on p.
831// offsetReader validates lines end with \r\n.
832type offsetReader struct {
841func (r *offsetReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
842 n, err := r.p.r.ReadAt(buf, r.offset)
846 if r.strict || Pedantic {
850 for _, c := range buf[:n] {
854 if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
855 if c == '\n' && !r.prevcr {
857 } else if c != '\n' && r.prevcr && (r.strict || Pedantic) {
866 } else if r.linelength > max && err == nil {
872 r.p.EndOffset = r.offset
877var crlf = []byte("\r\n")
879// boundReader is a reader that stops at a closing multipart boundary.
880// boundReader ensures lines end with crlf through its use of bufAt.
881type boundReader struct {
884 buf []byte // Data from previous line, to be served first.
885 nbuf int // Number of valid bytes in buf.
886 crlf []byte // Possible crlf, to be returned if we do not yet encounter a boundary.
887 prevlf bool // If last char returned was a newline. For counting lines.
890func (b *boundReader) Read(buf []byte) (count int, rerr error) {
894 for _, c := range origBuf[:count] {
904 // Read data from earlier line.
911 copy(b.buf, b.buf[n:])
920 // Look at next line. If it is a boundary, we are done and won't serve the crlf from the last line.
921 line, _, err := b.b.PeekLine(false)
922 if match, _ := checkBound(line, b.p.parent.bound); match {
923 b.p.EndOffset = b.b.offset - int64(len(b.crlf))
924 if b.p.parent.lastBoundOffset == b.p.BoundaryOffset {
925 b.p.parent.nextBoundOffset = b.b.offset
926 } else if enforceSequential {
927 panic("access not sequential")
932 err = errMissingClosingBoundary
934 if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
942 copy(buf, b.crlf[:n])
950 line, _, err = b.b.ReadLine(true)
952 // Could be an unexpected end of the part.
955 b.crlf = crlf // crlf will be read next time, but not if a boundary follows.
967 b.buf = make([]byte, b.b.maxLineLength())
976func checkBound(line, bound []byte) (bool, bool) {
977 if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, bound) {
980 line = line[len(bound):]
981 if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("--")) {
989 case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':