24 "golang.org/x/net/html"
26 "github.com/mjl-/sherpa"
28 "github.com/mjl-/mox/message"
29 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
30 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mox-"
31 "github.com/mjl-/mox/moxio"
32 "github.com/mjl-/mox/store"
33 "github.com/mjl-/mox/webauth"
36var ctxbg = context.Background()
39 webauth.BadAuthDelay = 0
42func tcheck(t *testing.T, err error, msg string) {
45 t.Fatalf("%s: %s", msg, err)
49func tcompare(t *testing.T, got, exp any) {
51 if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, exp) {
52 t.Fatalf("got %v, expected %v", got, exp)
57 From, To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, MessageID string
68 TransferEncoding string
76func (m Message) Marshal(t *testing.T) []byte {
80 if m.MessageID == "" {
81 m.MessageID = "<" + mox.MessageIDGen(false) + ">"
85 header := func(k, v string) {
89 _, err := fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s: %s\r\n", k, v)
90 tcheck(t, err, "write header")
93 header("From", m.From)
97 header("Subject", m.Subject)
98 header("Message-Id", m.MessageID)
99 header("Date", m.Date.Format(message.RFC5322Z))
100 header("References", m.References)
101 for _, t := range m.Headers {
104 header("Mime-Version", "1.0")
105 if len(m.Part.Parts) > 0 {
106 m.Part.boundary = multipart.NewWriter(io.Discard).Boundary()
108 m.Part.WriteHeader(t, &b)
109 m.Part.WriteBody(t, &b)
113func (p Part) Header() textproto.MIMEHeader {
114 h := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
115 add := func(k, v string) {
121 if p.boundary != "" {
122 ct += fmt.Sprintf(`; boundary="%s"`, p.boundary)
124 add("Content-Type", ct)
125 add("Content-Id", p.ID)
126 add("Content-Disposition", p.Disposition)
127 add("Content-Transfer-Encoding", p.TransferEncoding) // todo: ensure if not multipart? probably ensure before calling headre
131func (p Part) WriteHeader(t *testing.T, w io.Writer) {
132 for k, vl := range p.Header() {
133 for _, v := range vl {
134 _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: %s\r\n", k, v)
135 tcheck(t, err, "write header")
138 _, err := fmt.Fprint(w, "\r\n")
139 tcheck(t, err, "write line")
142func (p Part) WriteBody(t *testing.T, w io.Writer) {
143 if len(p.Parts) == 0 {
144 switch p.TransferEncoding {
146 bw := moxio.Base64Writer(w)
147 _, err := bw.Write([]byte(p.Content))
148 tcheck(t, err, "writing base64")
150 tcheck(t, err, "closing base64 part")
153 t.Fatalf("cannot write empty part")
155 if !strings.HasSuffix(p.Content, "\n") {
158 p.Content = strings.ReplaceAll(p.Content, "\n", "\r\n")
159 _, err := w.Write([]byte(p.Content))
160 tcheck(t, err, "write content")
162 t.Fatalf("unknown transfer-encoding %q", p.TransferEncoding)
167 mp := multipart.NewWriter(w)
168 mp.SetBoundary(p.boundary)
169 for _, sp := range p.Parts {
170 if len(sp.Parts) > 0 {
171 sp.boundary = multipart.NewWriter(io.Discard).Boundary()
173 pw, err := mp.CreatePart(sp.Header())
174 tcheck(t, err, "create part")
178 tcheck(t, err, "close multipart")
182 msgMinimal = Message{
183 Part: Part{Type: "text/plain", Content: "the body"},
186 From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
187 To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
188 Subject: "text message",
189 Part: Part{Type: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", Content: "the body"},
192 From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
193 To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
194 Subject: "html message",
195 Headers: [][2]string{{"List-Id", "test <list.mox.example>"}},
196 Part: Part{Type: "text/html", Content: `<html>the body <img src="cid:img1@mox.example" /></html>`},
199 From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
200 To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
202 MessageID: "<alt@localhost>",
203 Headers: [][2]string{{"In-Reply-To", "<previous@host.example>"}},
205 Type: "multipart/alternative",
207 {Type: "text/plain", Content: "the body"},
208 {Type: "text/html; charset=utf-8", Content: `<html>the body <img src="cid:img1@mox.example" /></html>`},
212 msgAltReply = Message{
214 References: "<alt@localhost>",
215 Part: Part{Type: "text/plain", Content: "reply to alt"},
218 From: "mjl <mjl+altrel@mox.example>",
219 To: "mox <mox+altrel@other.example>",
220 Subject: "test with alt and rel",
221 Headers: [][2]string{{"X-Special", "testing"}},
223 Type: "multipart/alternative",
225 {Type: "text/plain", Content: "the text body"},
227 Type: "multipart/related",
230 Type: "text/html; charset=utf-8",
231 Content: `<html>the body <img src="cid:img1@mox.example" /></html>`,
233 {Type: `image/png`, Disposition: `inline; filename="test1.png"`, ID: "<img1@mox.example>", Content: `PNG...`, TransferEncoding: "base64"},
239 msgAttachments = Message{
240 From: "mjl <mjl@mox.example>",
241 To: "mox <mox@other.example>",
244 Type: "multipart/mixed",
246 {Type: "text/plain", Content: "the body"},
247 {Type: "image/png", TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `PNG...`},
248 {Type: "image/png", TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `PNG...`},
249 {Type: `image/jpg; name="test.jpg"`, TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `JPG...`},
250 {Type: `image/jpg`, Disposition: `attachment; filename="test.jpg"`, TransferEncoding: "base64", Content: `JPG...`},
256// Import test messages messages.
262 m store.Message // As delivered.
263 ID int64 // Shortcut for m.ID
266func tdeliver(t *testing.T, acc *store.Account, tm *testmsg) {
267 msgFile, err := store.CreateMessageTemp(pkglog, "webmail-test")
268 tcheck(t, err, "create message temp")
269 defer os.Remove(msgFile.Name())
270 defer msgFile.Close()
271 size, err := msgFile.Write(tm.msg.Marshal(t))
272 tcheck(t, err, "write message temp")
275 RcptToLocalpart: "mox",
276 RcptToDomain: "other.example",
277 MsgFromLocalpart: "mjl",
278 MsgFromDomain: "mox.example",
279 DKIMDomains: []string{"mox.example"},
280 Keywords: tm.Keywords,
283 err = acc.DeliverMailbox(pkglog, tm.Mailbox, &m, msgFile)
284 tcheck(t, err, "deliver test message")
285 err = msgFile.Close()
286 tcheck(t, err, "closing test message")
291func readBody(r io.Reader) string {
292 buf, err := io.ReadAll(r)
294 return fmt.Sprintf("read error: %s", err)
296 return fmt.Sprintf("data: %q", buf)
299// Test scenario with an account with some mailboxes, messages, then make all
300// kinds of changes and we check if we get the right events.
301// todo: check more of the results, we currently mostly check http statuses,
302// not the returned content.
303func TestWebmail(t *testing.T) {
305 os.RemoveAll("../testdata/webmail/data")
307 mox.ConfigStaticPath = filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/webmail/mox.conf")
308 mox.MustLoadConfig(true, false)
309 defer store.Switchboard()()
311 log := mlog.New("webmail", nil)
312 acc, err := store.OpenAccount(pkglog, "mjl")
313 tcheck(t, err, "open account")
314 err = acc.SetPassword(pkglog, "test1234")
315 tcheck(t, err, "set password")
318 pkglog.Check(err, "closing account")
322 api := Webmail{maxMessageSize: 1024 * 1024, cookiePath: "/webmail/"}
323 apiHandler, err := makeSherpaHandler(api.maxMessageSize, api.cookiePath, false)
324 tcheck(t, err, "sherpa handler")
326 respRec := httptest.NewRecorder()
327 reqInfo := requestInfo{log, "", nil, "", respRec, &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
328 ctx := context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
330 // Prepare loginToken.
331 loginCookie := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmaillogin"}
332 loginCookie.Value = api.LoginPrep(ctx)
333 reqInfo.Request.Header = http.Header{"Cookie": []string{loginCookie.String()}}
335 csrfToken := api.Login(ctx, loginCookie.Value, "mjl@mox.example", "test1234")
336 var sessionCookie *http.Cookie
337 for _, c := range respRec.Result().Cookies() {
338 if c.Name == "webmailsession" {
343 if sessionCookie == nil {
344 t.Fatalf("missing session cookie")
347 reqInfo = requestInfo{log, "mjl@mox.example", acc, "", respRec, &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
348 ctx = context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
350 tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Inbox") }) // Cannot create inbox.
351 tneedError(t, func() { api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Archive") }) // Already exists.
352 api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Testbox1")
353 api.MailboxCreate(ctx, "Lists/Go/Nuts") // Creates hierarchy.
355 var zerom store.Message
357 inboxMinimal = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
358 inboxText = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgText, zerom, 0}
359 inboxHTML = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgHTML, zerom, 0}
360 inboxAlt = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
361 inboxAltRel = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAltRel, zerom, 0}
362 inboxAttachments = &testmsg{"Inbox", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAttachments, zerom, 0}
363 testbox1Alt = &testmsg{"Testbox1", store.Flags{}, nil, msgAlt, zerom, 0}
364 rejectsMinimal = &testmsg{"Rejects", store.Flags{Junk: true}, nil, msgMinimal, zerom, 0}
366 var testmsgs = []*testmsg{inboxMinimal, inboxText, inboxHTML, inboxAlt, inboxAltRel, inboxAttachments, testbox1Alt, rejectsMinimal}
368 for _, tm := range testmsgs {
372 type httpHeaders [][2]string
373 ctHTML := [2]string{"Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"}
374 ctText := [2]string{"Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"}
375 ctTextNoCharset := [2]string{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}
376 ctJS := [2]string{"Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8"}
377 ctJSON := [2]string{"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
379 cookieOK := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmailsession", Value: sessionCookie.Value}
380 cookieBad := &http.Cookie{Name: "webmailsession", Value: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA mjl"}
381 hdrSessionOK := [2]string{"Cookie", cookieOK.String()}
382 hdrSessionBad := [2]string{"Cookie", cookieBad.String()}
383 hdrCSRFOK := [2]string{"x-mox-csrf", string(csrfToken)}
384 hdrCSRFBad := [2]string{"x-mox-csrf", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"}
386 testHTTP := func(method, path string, headers httpHeaders, expStatusCode int, expHeaders httpHeaders, check func(resp *http.Response)) {
389 req := httptest.NewRequest(method, path, nil)
390 for _, kv := range headers {
391 req.Header.Add(kv[0], kv[1])
393 rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
394 rr.Body = &bytes.Buffer{}
395 handle(apiHandler, false, "", rr, req)
396 if rr.Code != expStatusCode {
397 t.Fatalf("got status %d, expected %d (%s)", rr.Code, expStatusCode, readBody(rr.Body))
401 for _, h := range expHeaders {
402 if resp.Header.Get(h[0]) != h[1] {
403 t.Fatalf("for header %q got value %q, expected %q", h[0], resp.Header.Get(h[0]), h[1])
411 testHTTPAuthAPI := func(method, path string, expStatusCode int, expHeaders httpHeaders, check func(resp *http.Response)) {
413 testHTTP(method, path, httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK, hdrSessionOK}, expStatusCode, expHeaders, check)
415 testHTTPAuthREST := func(method, path string, expStatusCode int, expHeaders httpHeaders, check func(resp *http.Response)) {
417 testHTTP(method, path, httpHeaders{hdrSessionOK}, expStatusCode, expHeaders, check)
420 userAuthError := func(resp *http.Response, expCode string) {
423 var response struct {
424 Error *sherpa.Error `json:"error"`
426 err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&response)
427 tcheck(t, err, "parsing response as json")
428 if response.Error == nil {
429 t.Fatalf("expected sherpa error with code %s, no error", expCode)
431 if response.Error.Code != expCode {
432 t.Fatalf("got sherpa error code %q, expected %s", response.Error.Code, expCode)
435 badAuth := func(resp *http.Response) {
437 userAuthError(resp, "user:badAuth")
439 noAuth := func(resp *http.Response) {
441 userAuthError(resp, "user:noAuth")
445 testHTTP("GET", "/", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
446 testHTTP("POST", "/", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
447 testHTTP("GET", "/", httpHeaders{[2]string{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}}, http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, [2]string{"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}}, nil)
448 testHTTP("GET", "/msg.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJS}, nil)
449 testHTTP("POST", "/msg.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
450 testHTTP("GET", "/text.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJS}, nil)
451 testHTTP("POST", "/text.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
453 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
454 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
455 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
456 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad, hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, badAuth)
457 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
458 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrSessionOK}, http.StatusOK, nil, noAuth)
459 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad, hdrSessionOK}, http.StatusOK, nil, badAuth)
460 testHTTP("POST", "/api/Bogus", httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK, hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusOK, nil, badAuth)
461 testHTTPAuthAPI("GET", "/api/Bogus", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
462 testHTTPAuthAPI("POST", "/api/Bogus", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
463 testHTTPAuthAPI("POST", "/api/SSETypes", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJSON}, nil)
466 testHTTP("GET", "/other", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
469 testHTTP("GET", "/export", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
470 testHTTP("GET", "/export", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
471 testHTTP("GET", "/export", httpHeaders{hdrSessionOK}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
473 testExport := func(format, archive, mailbox string, recursive bool, expectFiles int) {
476 fields := url.Values{
477 "csrf": []string{string(csrfToken)},
478 "format": []string{format},
479 "archive": []string{archive},
480 "mailbox": []string{mailbox},
483 fields.Add("recursive", "on")
485 r := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/export", strings.NewReader(fields.Encode()))
486 r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
487 r.Header.Add("Cookie", cookieOK.String())
488 w := httptest.NewRecorder()
489 handle(apiHandler, false, "", w, r)
490 if w.Code != http.StatusOK {
491 t.Fatalf("export, got status code %d, expected 200: %s", w.Code, w.Body.Bytes())
494 if archive == "zip" {
495 buf := w.Body.Bytes()
496 zr, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buf), int64(len(buf)))
497 tcheck(t, err, "reading zip")
498 for _, f := range zr.File {
499 if !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name, "/") {
504 var src io.Reader = w.Body
505 if archive == "tgz" {
506 gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(src)
507 tcheck(t, err, "gzip reader")
510 tr := tar.NewReader(src)
516 tcheck(t, err, "next file in tar")
517 if !strings.HasSuffix(h.Name, "/") {
520 _, err = io.Copy(io.Discard, tr)
521 tcheck(t, err, "reading from tar")
524 if count != expectFiles {
525 t.Fatalf("export, has %d files, expected %d", count, expectFiles)
529 testExport("maildir", "tgz", "", true, 8+1) // 8 messages, 1 flags file
530 testExport("maildir", "zip", "", true, 8+1)
531 testExport("mbox", "tar", "", true, 6+5) // 6 default mailboxes, 5 created
532 testExport("mbox", "zip", "", true, 6+5)
533 testExport("mbox", "zip", "Lists", true, 3)
534 testExport("mbox", "zip", "Lists", false, 1)
536 // HTTP message, generic
537 testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), nil, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
538 testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), httpHeaders{hdrCSRFBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
539 testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), httpHeaders{hdrCSRFOK}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
540 testHTTP("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
541 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", 0), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
542 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", testmsgs[len(testmsgs)-1].ID+1), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
543 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/bogus", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
544 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/view/bogus", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
545 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/bogus/0", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
546 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", "/msg/", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
547 testHTTPAuthREST("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%v/attachments.zip", inboxMinimal.ID), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, nil, nil)
549 // HTTP message: attachments.zip
550 ctZip := [2]string{"Content-Type", "application/zip"}
551 checkZip := func(resp *http.Response, fileContents [][2]string) {
553 zipbuf, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
554 tcheck(t, err, "reading response")
555 zr, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(zipbuf), int64(len(zipbuf)))
556 tcheck(t, err, "open zip")
557 if len(fileContents) != len(zr.File) {
558 t.Fatalf("zip file has %d files, expected %d", len(fileContents), len(zr.File))
560 for i, fc := range fileContents {
561 if zr.File[i].Name != fc[0] {
562 t.Fatalf("zip, file at index %d is named %q, expected %q", i, zr.File[i].Name, fc[0])
564 f, err := zr.File[i].Open()
565 tcheck(t, err, "open file in zip")
566 buf, err := io.ReadAll(f)
567 tcheck(t, err, "read file in zip")
568 tcompare(t, string(buf), fc[1])
570 tcheck(t, err, "closing file")
574 pathInboxMinimal := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxMinimal.ID)
575 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/attachments.zip", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
576 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/attachments.zip", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
578 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/attachments.zip", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctZip}, func(resp *http.Response) {
581 pathInboxRelAlt := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxAltRel.ID)
582 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxRelAlt+"/attachments.zip", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctZip}, func(resp *http.Response) {
583 checkZip(resp, [][2]string{{"test1.png", "PNG..."}})
585 pathInboxAttachments := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxAttachments.ID)
586 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAttachments+"/attachments.zip", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctZip}, func(resp *http.Response) {
587 checkZip(resp, [][2]string{{"attachment-1.png", "PNG..."}, {"attachment-2.png", "PNG..."}, {"test.jpg", "JPG..."}, {"test-1.jpg", "JPG..."}})
591 pathInboxAltRel := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxAltRel.ID)
592 pathInboxText := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxText.ID)
593 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/raw", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
594 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/raw", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
595 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/raw", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctTextNoCharset}, nil)
596 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxText+"/raw", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctText}, nil)
598 // HTTP message: parsedmessage.js
599 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/parsedmessage.js", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
600 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/parsedmessage.js", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
601 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxMinimal+"/parsedmessage.js", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctJS}, nil)
604 // HTTP message: text,html,htmlexternal and msgtext,msghtml,msghtmlexternal
605 for _, elem := range []string{"text", "html", "htmlexternal", "msgtext", "msghtml", "msghtmlexternal"} {
606 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem, httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
607 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem, httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
608 mox.LimitersInit() // Reset, for too many failures.
611 // The text endpoint serves JS that we generated, so should be safe, but still doesn't hurt to have a CSP.
612 cspText := [2]string{
613 "Content-Security-Policy",
614 "frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
616 // Text and img-src 'self', for viewing image files inline.
617 cspTextImg := [2]string{
618 "Content-Security-Policy",
619 "frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
621 // HTML as viewed in the regular viewer, not in a new tab.
622 cspHTML := [2]string{
623 "Content-Security-Policy",
624 "sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'",
626 // HTML when in separate message tab, needs allow-same-origin for iframe inner height.
627 cspHTMLSameOrigin := [2]string{
628 "Content-Security-Policy",
629 "sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'",
631 // Like cspHTML, but allows http and https resources.
632 cspHTMLExternal := [2]string{
633 "Content-Security-Policy",
634 "sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; font-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; media-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:",
636 // HTML with external resources when opened in separate tab, with allow-same-origin for iframe inner height.
637 cspHTMLExternalSameOrigin := [2]string{
638 "Content-Security-Policy",
639 "sandbox allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin; frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; font-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; media-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:",
641 // Msg page, our JS, that loads an html iframe, already blocks access for the iframe.
642 cspMsgHTML := [2]string{
643 "Content-Security-Policy",
644 "frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data:; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
646 // Msg page that already allows external resources for the iframe.
647 cspMsgHTMLExternal := [2]string{
648 "Content-Security-Policy",
649 "frame-ancestors 'self'; default-src 'none'; img-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; font-src data: http: https: 'unsafe-inline'; media-src 'unsafe-inline' data: http: https:; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'",
651 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/text", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspTextImg}, nil)
652 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/html", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTML}, nil)
653 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/htmlexternal", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTMLExternal}, nil)
654 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/msgtext", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspText}, nil)
655 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/msghtml", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspMsgHTML}, nil)
656 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/msghtmlexternal", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspMsgHTMLExternal}, nil)
658 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/html?sameorigin=true", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTMLSameOrigin}, nil)
659 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/htmlexternal?sameorigin=true", http.StatusOK, httpHeaders{ctHTML, cspHTMLExternalSameOrigin}, nil)
662 for _, elem := range []string{"html", "htmlexternal", "msghtml", "msghtmlexternal"} {
663 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxText+"/"+elem, http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil)
667 pathInboxHTML := fmt.Sprintf("/msg/%d", inboxHTML.ID)
668 for _, elem := range []string{"text", "msgtext"} {
669 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxHTML+"/"+elem, http.StatusBadRequest, nil, nil)
672 // HTTP message part: view,viewtext,download
673 for _, elem := range []string{"view", "viewtext", "download"} {
674 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0", httpHeaders{}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
675 testHTTP("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0", httpHeaders{hdrSessionBad}, http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil)
676 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0", http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
677 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0.0", http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
678 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0.1", http.StatusOK, nil, nil)
679 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/0.2", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
680 testHTTPAuthREST("GET", pathInboxAltRel+"/"+elem+"/1", http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
683 // Logout invalidates the session. Must work exactly once.
684 // Normally the generic /api/ auth check returns a user error. We bypass it and
685 // check for the server error.
686 sessionToken := store.SessionToken(strings.SplitN(sessionCookie.Value, " ", 2)[0])
687 reqInfo = requestInfo{log, "mjl@mox.example", acc, sessionToken, httptest.NewRecorder(), &http.Request{RemoteAddr: ""}}
688 ctx = context.WithValue(ctxbg, requestInfoCtxKey, reqInfo)
690 tneedErrorCode(t, "server:error", func() { api.Logout(ctx) })
693func TestSanitize(t *testing.T) {
694 check := func(s string, exp string) {
696 n, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(s))
697 tcheck(t, err, "parsing html")
699 var sb strings.Builder
700 err = html.Render(&sb, n)
701 tcheck(t, err, "writing html")
702 if sb.String() != exp {
703 t.Fatalf("sanitizing html: %s\ngot: %s\nexpected: %s", s, sb.String(), exp)
708 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body></body></html>`)
709 check(`<script>read localstorage</script>`,
710 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body></body></html>`)
711 check(`<a href="javascript:evil">click me</a>`,
712 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
713 check(`<a href="https://badsite" target="top">click me</a>`,
714 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a href="https://badsite" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
715 check(`<a xlink:href="https://badsite">click me</a>`,
716 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a xlink:href="https://badsite" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
717 check(`<a onclick="evil">click me</a>`,
718 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click me</a></body></html>`)
719 check(`<iframe src="data:text/html;base64,evilhtml"></iframe>`,
720 `<html><head><base target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"/></head><body><iframe></iframe></body></html>`)