1// Package dane verifies TLS certificates through DNSSEC-verified TLSA records.
3// On the internet, TLS certificates are commonly verified by checking if they are
4// signed by one of many commonly trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs). This is
5// PKIX or WebPKI. With DANE, TLS certificates are verified through
6// DNSSEC-protected DNS records of type TLSA. These TLSA records specify the rules
7// for verification ("usage") and whether a full certificate ("selector" cert) is
8// checked or only its "subject public key info" ("selector" spki). The (hash of)
9// the certificate or "spki" is included in the TLSA record ("matchtype").
11// DANE SMTP connections have two allowed "usages" (verification rules):
12// - DANE-EE, which only checks if the certificate or spki match, without the
13// WebPKI verification of expiration, name or signed-by-trusted-party verification.
14// - DANE-TA, which does verification similar to PKIX/WebPKI, but verifies against
15// a certificate authority ("trust anchor", or "TA") specified in the TLSA record
16// instead of the CA pool.
18// DANE has two more "usages", that may be used with protocols other than SMTP:
19// - PKIX-EE, which matches the certificate or spki, and also verifies the
20// certificate against the CA pool.
21// - PKIX-TA, which verifies the certificate or spki against a "trust anchor"
22// specified in the TLSA record, that also has to be trusted by the CA pool.
24// TLSA records are looked up for a specific port number, protocol (tcp/udp) and
25// host name. Each port can have different TLSA records. TLSA records must be
26// signed and verified with DNSSEC before they can be trusted and used.
28// TLSA records are looked up under "TLSA candidate base domains". The domain
29// where the TLSA records are found is the "TLSA base domain". If the host to
30// connect to is a CNAME that can be followed with DNSSEC protection, it is the
31// first TLSA candidate base domain. If no protected records are found, the
32// original host name is the second TLSA candidate base domain.
34// For TLS connections, the TLSA base domain is used with SNI during the
35// handshake.
37// For TLS certificate verification that requires PKIX/WebPKI/trusted-anchor
38// verification (all except DANE-EE), the potential second TLSA candidate base
39// domain name is also a valid hostname. With SMTP, additionally for hosts found in
40// MX records for a "next-hop domain", the "original next-hop domain" (domain of an
41// email address to deliver to) is also a valid name, as is the "CNAME-expanded
42// original next-hop domain", bringing the potential total allowed names to four
43// (if CNAMEs are followed for the MX hosts).
44package dane
46// todo: why is https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-barnes-dane-uks-00 not in use? sounds reasonable.
47// todo: add a DialSRV function that accepts a domain name, looks up srv records, dials the service, verifies dane certificate and returns the connection. for ../rfc/7673
49import (
50 "bytes"
51 "context"
52 "crypto/sha256"
53 "crypto/sha512"
54 "crypto/tls"
55 "crypto/x509"
56 "errors"
57 "fmt"
58 "net"
59 "strings"
60 "time"
62 "golang.org/x/exp/slog"
64 "github.com/mjl-/adns"
66 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dns"
67 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
68 "github.com/mjl-/mox/stub"
71var (
72 MetricVerify stub.Counter = stub.CounterIgnore{}
73 MetricVerifyErrors stub.Counter = stub.CounterIgnore{}
76var (
77 // ErrNoRecords means no TLSA records were found and host has not opted into DANE.
78 ErrNoRecords = errors.New("dane: no tlsa records")
80 // ErrInsecure indicates insecure DNS responses were encountered while looking up
81 // the host, CNAME records, or TLSA records.
82 ErrInsecure = errors.New("dane: dns lookups insecure")
84 // ErrNoMatch means some TLSA records were found, but none can be verified against
85 // the remote TLS certificate.
86 ErrNoMatch = errors.New("dane: no match between certificate and tlsa records")
89// VerifyError is an error encountered while verifying a DANE TLSA record. For
90// example, an error encountered with x509 certificate trusted-anchor verification.
91// A TLSA record that does not match a TLS certificate is not a VerifyError.
92type VerifyError struct {
93 Err error // Underlying error, possibly from crypto/x509.
94 Record adns.TLSA // Cause of error.
97// Error returns a string explaining this is a dane verify error along with the
98// underlying error.
99func (e VerifyError) Error() string {
100 return fmt.Sprintf("dane verify error: %s", e.Err)
103// Unwrap returns the underlying error.
104func (e VerifyError) Unwrap() error {
105 return e.Err
108// Dial looks up DNSSEC-protected DANE TLSA records for the domain name and
109// port/service in address, checks for allowed usages, makes a network connection
110// and verifies the remote certificate against the TLSA records. If verification
111// succeeds, the verified record is returned.
113// Different protocols require different usages. For example, SMTP with STARTTLS
114// for delivery only allows usages DANE-TA and DANE-EE. If allowedUsages is
115// non-nil, only the specified usages are taken into account when verifying, and
116// any others ignored.
118// Errors that can be returned, possibly in wrapped form:
119// - ErrNoRecords, also in case the DNS response indicates "not found".
120// - adns.DNSError, potentially wrapping adns.ExtendedError of which some can
121// indicate DNSSEC errors.
122// - ErrInsecure
123// - VerifyError, potentially wrapping errors from crypto/x509.
124func Dial(ctx context.Context, elog *slog.Logger, resolver dns.Resolver, network, address string, allowedUsages []adns.TLSAUsage, pkixRoots *x509.CertPool) (net.Conn, adns.TLSA, error) {
125 log := mlog.New("dane", elog)
127 // Split host and port.
128 host, portstr, err := net.SplitHostPort(address)
129 if err != nil {
130 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing address: %w", err)
131 }
132 port, err := resolver.LookupPort(ctx, network, portstr)
133 if err != nil {
134 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing port: %w", err)
135 }
137 hostDom, err := dns.ParseDomain(strings.TrimSuffix(host, "."))
138 if err != nil {
139 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing host: %w", err)
140 }
142 // ../rfc/7671:1015
143 // First follow CNAMEs for host. If the path to the final name is secure, we must
144 // lookup TLSA there first, then fallback to the original name. If the final name
145 // is secure that's also the SNI server name we must use, with the original name as
146 // allowed host during certificate name checks (for all TLSA usages other than
147 // DANE-EE).
148 cnameDom := hostDom
149 cnameAuthentic := true
150 for i := 0; ; i += 1 {
151 if i == 10 {
152 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("too many cname lookups")
153 }
154 cname, cnameResult, err := resolver.LookupCNAME(ctx, cnameDom.ASCII+".")
155 cnameAuthentic = cnameAuthentic && cnameResult.Authentic
156 if !cnameResult.Authentic && i == 0 {
157 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("%w: cname lookup insecure", ErrInsecure)
158 } else if dns.IsNotFound(err) {
159 break
160 } else if err != nil {
161 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("resolving cname %s: %w", cnameDom, err)
162 } else if d, err := dns.ParseDomain(strings.TrimSuffix(cname, ".")); err != nil {
163 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("parsing cname: %w", err)
164 } else {
165 cnameDom = d
166 }
167 }
169 // We lookup the IP.
170 ipnetwork := "ip"
171 if strings.HasSuffix(network, "4") {
172 ipnetwork += "4"
173 } else if strings.HasSuffix(network, "6") {
174 ipnetwork += "6"
175 }
176 ips, _, err := resolver.LookupIP(ctx, ipnetwork, cnameDom.ASCII+".")
177 // note: For SMTP with opportunistic DANE we would stop here with an insecure
178 // response. But as long as long as we have a verified original tlsa base name, we
179 // can continue with regular DANE.
180 if err != nil {
181 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("resolving ips: %w", err)
182 } else if len(ips) == 0 {
183 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, &adns.DNSError{Err: "no ips for host", Name: cnameDom.ASCII, IsNotFound: true}
184 }
186 // Lookup TLSA records. If resolving CNAME was secure, we try that first. Otherwise
187 // we try at the secure original domain.
188 baseDom := hostDom
189 if cnameAuthentic {
190 baseDom = cnameDom
191 }
192 var records []adns.TLSA
193 var result adns.Result
194 for {
195 var err error
196 records, result, err = resolver.LookupTLSA(ctx, port, network, baseDom.ASCII+".")
197 // If no (secure) records can be found at the final cname, and there is an original
198 // name, try at original name.
199 // ../rfc/7671:1015
200 if baseDom != hostDom && (dns.IsNotFound(err) || !result.Authentic) {
201 baseDom = hostDom
202 continue
203 }
204 if !result.Authentic {
205 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, ErrInsecure
206 } else if dns.IsNotFound(err) {
207 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, ErrNoRecords
208 } else if err != nil {
209 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("lookup dane tlsa records: %w", err)
210 }
211 break
212 }
214 // Keep only the allowed usages.
215 if allowedUsages != nil {
216 o := 0
217 for _, r := range records {
218 for _, usage := range allowedUsages {
219 if r.Usage == usage {
220 records[o] = r
221 o++
222 break
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 records = records[:o]
227 if len(records) == 0 {
228 // No point in dialing when we know we won't be able to verify the remote TLS
229 // certificate.
230 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("no usable tlsa records remaining: %w", ErrNoMatch)
231 }
232 }
234 // We use the base domain for SNI, allowing the original domain as well.
235 // ../rfc/7671:1021
236 var moreAllowedHosts []dns.Domain
237 if baseDom != hostDom {
238 moreAllowedHosts = []dns.Domain{hostDom}
239 }
241 // Dial the remote host.
242 timeout := 30 * time.Second
243 if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok && len(ips) > 0 {
244 timeout = time.Until(deadline) / time.Duration(len(ips))
245 }
246 dialer := &net.Dialer{Timeout: timeout}
247 var conn net.Conn
248 var dialErrs []error
249 for _, ip := range ips {
250 addr := net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), portstr)
251 c, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
252 if err != nil {
253 dialErrs = append(dialErrs, err)
254 continue
255 }
256 conn = c
257 break
258 }
259 if conn == nil {
260 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, errors.Join(dialErrs...)
261 }
263 var verifiedRecord adns.TLSA
264 config := TLSClientConfig(log.Logger, records, baseDom, moreAllowedHosts, &verifiedRecord, pkixRoots)
265 tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, &config)
266 if err := tlsConn.HandshakeContext(ctx); err != nil {
267 conn.Close()
268 return nil, adns.TLSA{}, err
269 }
270 return tlsConn, verifiedRecord, nil
273// TLSClientConfig returns a tls.Config to be used for dialing/handshaking a
274// TLS connection with DANE verification.
276// Callers should only pass records that are allowed for the intended use. DANE
277// with SMTP only allows DANE-EE and DANE-TA usages, not the PKIX-usages.
279// The config has InsecureSkipVerify set to true, with a custom VerifyConnection
280// function for verifying DANE. Its VerifyConnection can return ErrNoMatch and
281// additionally one or more (wrapped) errors of type VerifyError.
283// The TLS config uses allowedHost for SNI.
285// If verifiedRecord is not nil, it is set to the record that was successfully
286// verified, if any.
287func TLSClientConfig(elog *slog.Logger, records []adns.TLSA, allowedHost dns.Domain, moreAllowedHosts []dns.Domain, verifiedRecord *adns.TLSA, pkixRoots *x509.CertPool) tls.Config {
288 log := mlog.New("dane", elog)
289 return tls.Config{
290 ServerName: allowedHost.ASCII, // For SNI.
291 InsecureSkipVerify: true,
292 VerifyConnection: func(cs tls.ConnectionState) error {
293 verified, record, err := Verify(log.Logger, records, cs, allowedHost, moreAllowedHosts, pkixRoots)
294 log.Debugx("dane verification", err, slog.Bool("verified", verified), slog.Any("record", record))
295 if verified {
296 if verifiedRecord != nil {
297 *verifiedRecord = record
298 }
299 return nil
300 } else if err == nil {
301 return ErrNoMatch
302 }
303 return fmt.Errorf("%w, and error(s) encountered during verification: %w", ErrNoMatch, err)
304 },
305 MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, // ../rfc/8996:31 ../rfc/8997:66
306 }
309// Verify checks if the TLS connection state can be verified against DANE TLSA
310// records.
312// allowedHost along with the optional moreAllowedHosts are the host names that are
313// allowed during certificate verification (as used by PKIX-TA, PKIX-EE, DANE-TA,
314// but not DANE-EE). A typical connection would allow just one name, but some uses
315// of DANE allow multiple, like SMTP which allow up to four valid names for a TLS
316// certificate based on MX/CNAME/TLSA/DNSSEC lookup results.
318// When one of the records matches, Verify returns true, along with the matching
319// record and a nil error.
320// If there is no match, then in the typical case Verify returns: false, a zero
321// record value and a nil error.
322// If an error is encountered while verifying a record, e.g. for x509
323// trusted-anchor verification, an error may be returned, typically one or more
324// (wrapped) errors of type VerifyError.
326// Verify is useful when DANE verification and its results has to be done
327// separately from other validation, e.g. for MTA-STS. The caller can create a
328// tls.Config with a VerifyConnection function that checks DANE and MTA-STS
329// separately.
330func Verify(elog *slog.Logger, records []adns.TLSA, cs tls.ConnectionState, allowedHost dns.Domain, moreAllowedHosts []dns.Domain, pkixRoots *x509.CertPool) (verified bool, matching adns.TLSA, rerr error) {
331 log := mlog.New("dane", elog)
332 MetricVerify.Inc()
333 if len(records) == 0 {
334 MetricVerifyErrors.Inc()
335 return false, adns.TLSA{}, fmt.Errorf("verify requires at least one tlsa record")
336 }
337 var errs []error
338 for _, r := range records {
339 ok, err := verifySingle(log, r, cs, allowedHost, moreAllowedHosts, pkixRoots)
340 if err != nil {
341 errs = append(errs, VerifyError{err, r})
342 } else if ok {
343 return true, r, nil
344 }
345 }
346 MetricVerifyErrors.Inc()
347 return false, adns.TLSA{}, errors.Join(errs...)
350// verifySingle verifies the TLS connection against a single DANE TLSA record.
352// If the remote TLS certificate matches with the TLSA record, true is
353// returned. Errors may be encountered while verifying, e.g. when checking one
354// of the allowed hosts against a TLSA record. A typical non-matching/verified
355// TLSA record returns a nil error. But in some cases, e.g. when encountering
356// errors while verifying certificates against a trust-anchor, an error can be
357// returned with one or more underlying x509 verification errors. A nil-nil error
358// is only returned when verified is false.
359func verifySingle(log mlog.Log, tlsa adns.TLSA, cs tls.ConnectionState, allowedHost dns.Domain, moreAllowedHosts []dns.Domain, pkixRoots *x509.CertPool) (verified bool, rerr error) {
360 if len(cs.PeerCertificates) == 0 {
361 return false, fmt.Errorf("no server certificate")
362 }
364 match := func(cert *x509.Certificate) bool {
365 var buf []byte
366 switch tlsa.Selector {
367 case adns.TLSASelectorCert:
368 buf = cert.Raw
369 case adns.TLSASelectorSPKI:
370 buf = cert.RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo
371 default:
372 return false
373 }
375 switch tlsa.MatchType {
376 case adns.TLSAMatchTypeFull:
377 case adns.TLSAMatchTypeSHA256:
378 d := sha256.Sum256(buf)
379 buf = d[:]
380 case adns.TLSAMatchTypeSHA512:
381 d := sha512.Sum512(buf)
382 buf = d[:]
383 default:
384 return false
385 }
387 return bytes.Equal(buf, tlsa.CertAssoc)
388 }
390 pkixVerify := func(host dns.Domain) ([][]*x509.Certificate, error) {
391 // Default Verify checks for expiration. We pass the host name to check. And we
392 // configure the intermediates. The roots are filled in by the x509 package.
393 opts := x509.VerifyOptions{
394 DNSName: host.ASCII,
395 Intermediates: x509.NewCertPool(),
396 Roots: pkixRoots,
397 }
398 for _, cert := range cs.PeerCertificates[1:] {
399 opts.Intermediates.AddCert(cert)
400 }
401 chains, err := cs.PeerCertificates[0].Verify(opts)
402 return chains, err
403 }
405 switch tlsa.Usage {
406 case adns.TLSAUsagePKIXTA:
407 // We cannot get at the system trusted ca certificates to look for the trusted
408 // anchor. So we just ask Go to verify, then see if any of the chains include the
409 // ca certificate.
410 var errs []error
411 for _, host := range append([]dns.Domain{allowedHost}, moreAllowedHosts...) {
412 chains, err := pkixVerify(host)
413 log.Debugx("pkix-ta verify", err)
414 if err != nil {
415 errs = append(errs, err)
416 continue
417 }
418 // The chains by x509's Verify should include the longest possible match, so it is
419 // sure to include the trusted anchor. ../rfc/7671:835
420 for _, chain := range chains {
421 // If pkix verified, check if any of the certificates match.
422 for i := len(chain) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
423 if match(chain[i]) {
424 return true, nil
425 }
426 }
427 }
428 }
429 return false, errors.Join(errs...)
431 case adns.TLSAUsagePKIXEE:
432 // Check for a certificate match.
433 if !match(cs.PeerCertificates[0]) {
434 return false, nil
435 }
436 // And do regular pkix checks, ../rfc/7671:799
437 var errs []error
438 for _, host := range append([]dns.Domain{allowedHost}, moreAllowedHosts...) {
439 _, err := pkixVerify(host)
440 log.Debugx("pkix-ee verify", err)
441 if err == nil {
442 return true, nil
443 }
444 errs = append(errs, err)
445 }
446 return false, errors.Join(errs...)
448 case adns.TLSAUsageDANETA:
449 // We set roots, so the system defaults don't get used. Verify checks the host name
450 // (set below) and checks for expiration.
451 opts := x509.VerifyOptions{
452 Roots: x509.NewCertPool(),
453 }
455 // If the full certificate was included, we must add it to the valid roots, the TLS
456 // server may not send it. ../rfc/7671:692
457 var found bool
458 if tlsa.Selector == adns.TLSASelectorCert && tlsa.MatchType == adns.TLSAMatchTypeFull {
459 cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(tlsa.CertAssoc)
460 if err != nil {
461 log.Debugx("parsing full exact certificate from tlsa record to use as root for usage dane-trusted-anchor", err)
462 // Continue anyway, perhaps the servers sends it again in a way that the tls package can parse? (unlikely)
463 } else {
464 opts.Roots.AddCert(cert)
465 found = true
466 }
467 }
469 for _, cert := range cs.PeerCertificates {
470 if match(cert) {
471 opts.Roots.AddCert(cert)
472 found = true
473 break
474 }
475 }
476 if !found {
477 // Trusted anchor was not found in TLS certificates so we won't be able to
478 // verify.
479 return false, nil
480 }
482 // Trusted anchor was found, still need to verify.
483 var errs []error
484 for _, host := range append([]dns.Domain{allowedHost}, moreAllowedHosts...) {
485 opts.DNSName = host.ASCII
486 _, err := cs.PeerCertificates[0].Verify(opts)
487 if err == nil {
488 return true, nil
489 }
490 errs = append(errs, err)
491 }
492 return false, errors.Join(errs...)
494 case adns.TLSAUsageDANEEE:
495 // ../rfc/7250 is about raw public keys instead of x.509 certificates in tls
496 // handshakes. Go's crypto/tls does not implement the extension (see
497 // crypto/tls/common.go, the extensions values don't appear in the
498 // rfc, but have values 19 and 20 according to
499 // https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#tls-extensiontype-values-1
500 // ../rfc/7671:1148 mentions the raw public keys are allowed. It's still
501 // questionable that this is commonly implemented. For now the world can probably
502 // live with an ignored certificate wrapped around the subject public key info.
504 // We don't verify host name in certificate, ../rfc/7671:489
505 // And we don't check for expiration. ../rfc/7671:527
506 // The whole point of this type is to have simple secure infrastructure that
507 // doesn't automatically expire (at the most inconvenient times).
508 return match(cs.PeerCertificates[0]), nil
510 default:
511 // Unknown, perhaps defined in the future. Not an error.
512 log.Debug("unrecognized tlsa usage, skipping", slog.Any("tlsausage", tlsa.Usage))
513 return false, nil
514 }