1// Package mtastsdb stores MTA-STS policies for later use.
3// An MTA-STS policy can specify how long it may be cached. By storing a
4// policy, it does not have to be fetched again during email delivery, which
5// makes it harder for attackers to intervene.
6package mtastsdb
8import (
9 "context"
10 "crypto/tls"
11 "errors"
12 "fmt"
13 "os"
14 "path/filepath"
15 "strings"
16 "sync"
17 "time"
19 "golang.org/x/exp/slog"
21 "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
22 "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promauto"
24 "github.com/mjl-/bstore"
26 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dns"
27 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
28 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mox-"
29 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mtasts"
30 "github.com/mjl-/mox/tlsrpt"
33var (
34 metricGet = promauto.NewCounterVec(
35 prometheus.CounterOpts{
36 Name: "mox_mtastsdb_get_total",
37 Help: "Number of Get by result.",
38 },
39 []string{"result"},
40 )
43var timeNow = time.Now // Tests override this.
45// PolicyRecord is a cached policy or absence of a policy.
46type PolicyRecord struct {
47 Domain string // Domain name, with unicode characters.
48 Inserted time.Time `bstore:"default now"`
49 ValidEnd time.Time
50 LastUpdate time.Time // Policies are refreshed on use and periodically.
51 LastUse time.Time `bstore:"index"`
52 Backoff bool
53 RecordID string // As retrieved from DNS.
54 mtasts.Policy // As retrieved from the well-known HTTPS url.
56 // Text that make up the policy, as retrieved. We didn't store this in the past. If
57 // empty, policy can be reconstructed from Policy field. Needed by TLSRPT.
58 PolicyText string
61var (
62 // No valid non-expired policy in database.
63 ErrNotFound = errors.New("mtastsdb: policy not found")
65 // Indicates an MTA-STS TXT record was fetched recently, but fetching the policy
66 // failed and should not yet be retried.
67 ErrBackoff = errors.New("mtastsdb: policy fetch failed recently")
70var DBTypes = []any{PolicyRecord{}} // Types stored in DB.
71var DB *bstore.DB // Exported for backups.
72var mutex sync.Mutex
74func database(ctx context.Context) (rdb *bstore.DB, rerr error) {
75 mutex.Lock()
76 defer mutex.Unlock()
77 if DB == nil {
78 p := mox.DataDirPath("mtasts.db")
79 os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0770)
80 db, err := bstore.Open(ctx, p, &bstore.Options{Timeout: 5 * time.Second, Perm: 0660}, DBTypes...)
81 if err != nil {
82 return nil, err
83 }
84 DB = db
85 }
86 return DB, nil
89// Init opens the database and starts a goroutine that refreshes policies in
90// the database, and keeps doing so periodically.
91func Init(refresher bool) error {
92 _, err := database(mox.Shutdown)
93 if err != nil {
94 return err
95 }
97 if refresher {
98 // todo: allow us to shut down cleanly?
99 go refresh()
100 }
102 return nil
105// Close closes the database.
106func Close() {
107 mutex.Lock()
108 defer mutex.Unlock()
109 if DB != nil {
110 err := DB.Close()
111 mlog.New("mtastsdb", nil).Check(err, "closing database")
112 DB = nil
113 }
116// lookup looks up a policy for the domain in the database.
118// Only non-expired records are returned.
120// Returns ErrNotFound if record is not present.
121// Returns ErrBackoff if a recent attempt to fetch a record failed.
122func lookup(ctx context.Context, log mlog.Log, domain dns.Domain) (*PolicyRecord, error) {
123 db, err := database(ctx)
124 if err != nil {
125 return nil, err
126 }
128 if domain.IsZero() {
129 return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty domain")
130 }
131 now := timeNow()
132 q := bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](ctx, db)
133 q.FilterNonzero(PolicyRecord{Domain: domain.Name()})
134 q.FilterGreater("ValidEnd", now)
135 pr, err := q.Get()
136 if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
137 return nil, ErrNotFound
138 } else if err != nil {
139 return nil, err
140 }
142 pr.LastUse = now
143 if err := db.Update(ctx, &pr); err != nil {
144 log.Errorx("marking cached mta-sts policy as used in database", err)
145 }
146 if pr.Backoff {
147 return nil, ErrBackoff
148 }
149 return &pr, nil
152// Upsert adds the policy to the database, overwriting an existing policy for the domain.
153// Policy can be nil, indicating a failure to fetch the policy.
154func Upsert(ctx context.Context, domain dns.Domain, recordID string, policy *mtasts.Policy, policyText string) error {
155 db, err := database(ctx)
156 if err != nil {
157 return err
158 }
160 return db.Write(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
161 pr := PolicyRecord{Domain: domain.Name()}
162 err := tx.Get(&pr)
163 if err != nil && err != bstore.ErrAbsent {
164 return err
165 }
167 now := timeNow()
169 var p mtasts.Policy
170 if policy != nil {
171 p = *policy
172 } else {
173 // ../rfc/8461:552
174 p.Mode = mtasts.ModeNone
175 p.MaxAgeSeconds = 5 * 60
176 }
177 backoff := policy == nil
178 validEnd := now.Add(time.Duration(p.MaxAgeSeconds) * time.Second)
180 if err == bstore.ErrAbsent {
181 pr = PolicyRecord{domain.Name(), now, validEnd, now, now, backoff, recordID, p, policyText}
182 return tx.Insert(&pr)
183 }
185 pr.ValidEnd = validEnd
186 pr.LastUpdate = now
187 pr.LastUse = now
188 pr.Backoff = backoff
189 pr.RecordID = recordID
190 pr.Policy = p
191 pr.PolicyText = policyText
192 return tx.Update(&pr)
193 })
196// PolicyRecords returns all policies in the database, sorted descending by last
197// use, domain.
198func PolicyRecords(ctx context.Context) ([]PolicyRecord, error) {
199 db, err := database(ctx)
200 if err != nil {
201 return nil, err
202 }
203 return bstore.QueryDB[PolicyRecord](ctx, db).SortDesc("LastUse", "Domain").List()
206// Get retrieves an MTA-STS policy for domain and whether it is fresh.
208// If an error is returned, it should be considered a transient error, e.g. a
209// temporary DNS lookup failure.
211// The returned policy can be nil also when there is no error. In this case, the
212// domain does not implement MTA-STS.
214// If a policy is present in the local database, it is refreshed if needed. If no
215// policy is present for the domain, an attempt is made to fetch the policy and
216// store it in the local database.
218// Some errors are logged but not otherwise returned, e.g. if a new policy is
219// supposedly published but could not be retrieved.
221// Get returns an "sts" or "no-policy-found" in reportResult in most cases (when
222// not a local/internal error). It may add an "sts" result without policy contents
223// ("policy-string") in case of errors while fetching the policy.
224func Get(ctx context.Context, elog *slog.Logger, resolver dns.Resolver, domain dns.Domain) (policy *mtasts.Policy, reportResult tlsrpt.Result, fresh bool, err error) {
225 log := mlog.New("mtastsdb", elog)
226 defer func() {
227 result := "ok"
228 if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrBackoff) {
229 result = "backoff"
230 } else if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrNotFound) {
231 result = "notfound"
232 } else if err != nil {
233 result = "error"
234 }
235 metricGet.WithLabelValues(result).Inc()
236 log.Debugx("mtastsdb get result", err, slog.Any("domain", domain), slog.Bool("fresh", fresh))
237 }()
239 cachedPolicy, err := lookup(ctx, log, domain)
240 if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrNotFound) {
241 // We don't have a policy for this domain, not even a record that we tried recently
242 // and should backoff. So attempt to fetch policy.
243 nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
244 defer cancel()
245 record, p, ptext, err := mtasts.Get(nctx, log.Logger, resolver, domain)
246 if err != nil {
247 switch {
248 case errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoRecord) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrMultipleRecords) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrRecordSyntax) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoPolicy) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicyFetch) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicySyntax):
249 // Remote is not doing MTA-STS, continue below. ../rfc/8461:333 ../rfc/8461:574
250 log.Debugx("interpreting mtasts error to mean remote is not doing mta-sts", err)
252 if errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoRecord) {
253 reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, domain)
254 } else {
255 fd := policyFetchFailureDetails(err)
256 reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.STS, domain, fd)
257 }
259 default:
260 // Interpret as temporary error, e.g. mtasts.ErrDNS, try again later.
262 // Temporary DNS error could be an operational issue on our side, but we can still
263 // report it.
264 // Result: ../rfc/8460:594
265 fd := tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err))
266 reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.STS, domain, fd)
268 return nil, reportResult, false, fmt.Errorf("lookup up mta-sts policy: %w", err)
269 }
270 } else if p.Mode == mtasts.ModeNone {
271 reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.NoPolicyFound, domain)
272 } else {
273 reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrptPolicy(p, ptext, domain)}
274 }
276 // Insert policy into database. If we could not fetch the policy itself, we back
277 // off for 5 minutes. ../rfc/8461:555
278 if err == nil || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoPolicy) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicyFetch) || errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicySyntax) {
279 var recordID string
280 if record != nil {
281 recordID = record.ID
282 }
283 if err := Upsert(ctx, domain, recordID, p, ptext); err != nil {
284 log.Errorx("inserting policy into cache, continuing", err)
285 }
286 }
288 return p, reportResult, true, nil
289 } else if err != nil && errors.Is(err, ErrBackoff) {
290 // ../rfc/8461:552
291 // We recently failed to fetch a policy, act as if MTA-STS is not implemented.
292 // Result: ../rfc/8460:594
293 fd := tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, "back-off-after-recent-fetch-error")
294 reportResult = tlsrpt.MakeResult(tlsrpt.STS, domain, fd)
295 return nil, reportResult, false, nil
296 } else if err != nil {
297 // We don't add the result to the report, this is an internal error.
298 return nil, reportResult, false, fmt.Errorf("looking up mta-sts policy in cache: %w", err)
299 }
301 // Policy was found in database. Check in DNS it is still fresh.
302 policy = &cachedPolicy.Policy
303 nctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
304 defer cancel()
305 record, _, err := mtasts.LookupRecord(nctx, log.Logger, resolver, domain)
306 if err != nil {
307 if errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrNoRecord) {
308 if policy.Mode != mtasts.ModeNone {
309 log.Errorx("no mtasts dns record while checking non-none policy for freshness, either domain owner removed mta-sts without phasing out policy with a none-policy for period of previous max-age, or this could be an attempt to downgrade to connection without mtasts, continuing with previous policy", err)
310 }
311 // else, policy will be removed by periodic refresher in the near future.
312 } else {
313 // Could be a temporary DNS or configuration error.
314 log.Errorx("checking for freshness of cached mta-sts dns txt record for domain, continuing with previously cached policy", err)
315 }
317 // Result: ../rfc/8460:594
318 fd := tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err))
319 if policy.Mode != mtasts.ModeNone {
320 fd.FailureReasonCode += "+fallback-to-cached-policy"
321 }
322 reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{
323 Policy: tlsrptPolicy(policy, cachedPolicy.PolicyText, domain),
324 FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{fd},
325 }
326 return policy, reportResult, false, nil
327 } else if record.ID == cachedPolicy.RecordID && cachedPolicy.PolicyText != "" {
328 // In the past, we didn't store the raw policy lines in cachedPolicy.Lines. We only
329 // stop now if we do have policy lines in the cache.
330 reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrptPolicy(policy, cachedPolicy.PolicyText, domain)}
331 return policy, reportResult, true, nil
332 }
334 // New policy should be available, or we are fetching the policy again because we
335 // didn't store the raw policy lines in the past.
336 nctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
337 defer cancel()
338 p, ptext, err := mtasts.FetchPolicy(nctx, log.Logger, domain)
339 if err != nil {
340 log.Errorx("fetching updated policy for domain, continuing with previously cached policy", err)
342 fd := policyFetchFailureDetails(err)
343 fd.FailureReasonCode += "+fallback-to-cached-policy"
344 reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{
345 Policy: tlsrptPolicy(policy, cachedPolicy.PolicyText, domain),
346 FailureDetails: []tlsrpt.FailureDetails{fd},
347 }
348 return policy, reportResult, false, nil
349 }
350 if err := Upsert(ctx, domain, record.ID, p, ptext); err != nil {
351 log.Errorx("inserting refreshed policy into cache, continuing with fresh policy", err)
352 }
353 reportResult = tlsrpt.Result{Policy: tlsrptPolicy(p, ptext, domain)}
354 return p, reportResult, true, nil
357func policyFetchFailureDetails(err error) tlsrpt.FailureDetails {
358 var verificationErr *tls.CertificateVerificationError
359 if errors.As(err, &verificationErr) {
360 resultType, reasonCode := tlsrpt.TLSFailureDetails(verificationErr)
361 // Result: ../rfc/8460:601
362 reason := string(resultType)
363 if reasonCode != "" {
364 reason += "+" + reasonCode
365 }
366 return tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSWebPKIInvalid, reason)
367 } else if errors.Is(err, mtasts.ErrPolicySyntax) {
368 // Result: ../rfc/8460:598
369 return tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyInvalid, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err))
370 }
371 // Result: ../rfc/8460:594
372 return tlsrpt.Details(tlsrpt.ResultSTSPolicyFetch, mtasts.TLSReportFailureReason(err))
375func tlsrptPolicy(p *mtasts.Policy, policyText string, domain dns.Domain) tlsrpt.ResultPolicy {
376 if policyText == "" {
377 // We didn't always store original policy lines. Reconstruct.
378 policyText = p.String()
379 }
380 lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(policyText, "\n"), "\n")
381 for i, line := range lines {
382 lines[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\r")
383 }
385 rp := tlsrpt.ResultPolicy{
386 Type: tlsrpt.STS,
387 Domain: domain.ASCII,
388 String: lines,
389 }
390 rp.MXHost = make([]string, len(p.MX))
391 for i, mx := range p.MX {
392 s := mx.Domain.ASCII
393 if mx.Wildcard {
394 s = "*." + s
395 }
396 rp.MXHost[i] = s
397 }
398 return rp