1package smtpserver
3import (
4 "context"
5 "fmt"
6 "net"
7 "os"
8 "strings"
9 "time"
11 "golang.org/x/exp/slog"
13 "github.com/mjl-/bstore"
15 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dkim"
16 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dmarc"
17 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dmarcrpt"
18 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dns"
19 "github.com/mjl-/mox/dnsbl"
20 "github.com/mjl-/mox/iprev"
21 "github.com/mjl-/mox/message"
22 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mlog"
23 "github.com/mjl-/mox/mox-"
24 "github.com/mjl-/mox/publicsuffix"
25 "github.com/mjl-/mox/smtp"
26 "github.com/mjl-/mox/store"
27 "github.com/mjl-/mox/subjectpass"
28 "github.com/mjl-/mox/tlsrpt"
31type delivery struct {
32 tls bool
33 m *store.Message
34 dataFile *os.File
35 rcptAcc rcptAccount
36 acc *store.Account
37 msgTo []message.Address
38 msgCc []message.Address
39 msgFrom smtp.Address
40 dnsBLs []dns.Domain
41 dmarcUse bool
42 dmarcResult dmarc.Result
43 dkimResults []dkim.Result
44 iprevStatus iprev.Status
47type analysis struct {
48 accept bool
49 mailbox string
50 code int
51 secode string
52 userError bool
53 errmsg string
54 err error // For our own logging, not sent to remote.
55 dmarcReport *dmarcrpt.Feedback // Validated DMARC aggregate report, not yet stored.
56 tlsReport *tlsrpt.Report // Validated TLS report, not yet stored.
57 reason string // If non-empty, reason for this decision. Can be one of reputationMethod and a few other tokens.
58 dmarcOverrideReason string // If set, one of dmarcrpt.PolicyOverride
59 // Additional headers to add during delivery. Used for reasons a message to a
60 // dmarc/tls reporting address isn't processed.
61 headers string
64const (
65 reasonListAllow = "list-allow"
66 reasonDMARCPolicy = "dmarc-policy"
67 reasonReputationError = "reputation-error"
68 reasonReporting = "reporting"
69 reasonSPFPolicy = "spf-policy"
70 reasonJunkClassifyError = "junk-classify-error"
71 reasonJunkFilterError = "junk-filter-error"
72 reasonGiveSubjectpass = "give-subjectpass"
73 reasonNoBadSignals = "no-bad-signals"
74 reasonJunkContent = "junk-content"
75 reasonJunkContentStrict = "junk-content-strict"
76 reasonDNSBlocklisted = "dns-blocklisted"
77 reasonSubjectpass = "subjectpass"
78 reasonSubjectpassError = "subjectpass-error"
79 reasonIPrev = "iprev" // No or mild junk reputation signals, and bad iprev.
82func isListDomain(d delivery, ld dns.Domain) bool {
83 if d.m.MailFromValidated && ld.Name() == d.m.MailFromDomain {
84 return true
85 }
86 for _, r := range d.dkimResults {
87 if r.Status == dkim.StatusPass && r.Sig.Domain == ld {
88 return true
89 }
90 }
91 return false
94func analyze(ctx context.Context, log mlog.Log, resolver dns.Resolver, d delivery) analysis {
95 var headers string
97 mailbox := d.rcptAcc.destination.Mailbox
98 if mailbox == "" {
99 mailbox = "Inbox"
100 }
102 // If destination mailbox has a mailing list domain (for SPF/DKIM) configured,
103 // check it for a pass.
104 rs := store.MessageRuleset(log, d.rcptAcc.destination, d.m, d.m.MsgPrefix, d.dataFile)
105 if rs != nil {
106 mailbox = rs.Mailbox
107 }
108 if rs != nil && !rs.ListAllowDNSDomain.IsZero() {
109 // todo: on temporary failures, reject temporarily?
110 if isListDomain(d, rs.ListAllowDNSDomain) {
111 d.m.IsMailingList = true
112 return analysis{accept: true, mailbox: mailbox, reason: reasonListAllow, dmarcOverrideReason: string(dmarcrpt.PolicyOverrideMailingList), headers: headers}
113 }
114 }
116 var dmarcOverrideReason string
118 // For forwarded messages, we have different junk analysis. We don't reject for
119 // failing DMARC, and we clear fields that could implicate the forwarding mail
120 // server during future classifications on incoming messages (the forwarding mail
121 // server isn't responsible for the message).
122 if rs != nil && rs.IsForward {
123 d.dmarcUse = false
124 d.m.IsForward = true
125 d.m.RemoteIPMasked1 = ""
126 d.m.RemoteIPMasked2 = ""
127 d.m.RemoteIPMasked3 = ""
128 d.m.OrigEHLODomain = d.m.EHLODomain
129 d.m.EHLODomain = ""
130 d.m.MailFromDomain = "" // Still available in MailFrom.
131 d.m.OrigDKIMDomains = d.m.DKIMDomains
132 dkimdoms := []string{}
133 for _, dom := range d.m.DKIMDomains {
134 if dom != rs.VerifiedDNSDomain.Name() {
135 dkimdoms = append(dkimdoms, dom)
136 }
137 }
138 d.m.DKIMDomains = dkimdoms
139 dmarcOverrideReason = string(dmarcrpt.PolicyOverrideForwarded)
140 log.Info("forwarded message, clearing identifying signals of forwarding mail server")
141 }
143 assignMailbox := func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
144 // Set message MailboxID to which mail will be delivered. Reputation is
145 // per-mailbox. If referenced mailbox is not found (e.g. does not yet exist), we
146 // can still determine a reputation because we also base it on outgoing
147 // messages and those are account-global.
148 mb, err := d.acc.MailboxFind(tx, mailbox)
149 if err != nil {
150 return fmt.Errorf("finding destination mailbox: %w", err)
151 }
152 if mb != nil {
153 // We want to deliver to mb.ID, but this message may be rejected and sent to the
154 // Rejects mailbox instead, with MailboxID overwritten. Record the ID in
155 // MailboxDestinedID too. If the message is later moved out of the Rejects mailbox,
156 // we'll adjust the MailboxOrigID so it gets taken into account during reputation
157 // calculating in future deliveries. If we end up delivering to the intended
158 // mailbox (i.e. not rejecting), MailboxDestinedID is cleared during delivery so we
159 // don't store it unnecessarily.
160 d.m.MailboxID = mb.ID
161 d.m.MailboxDestinedID = mb.ID
162 } else {
163 log.Debug("mailbox not found in database", slog.String("mailbox", mailbox))
164 }
165 return nil
166 }
168 reject := func(code int, secode string, errmsg string, err error, reason string) analysis {
169 // We may have set MailboxDestinedID below already while we had a transaction. If
170 // not, do it now. This makes it possible to use the per-mailbox reputation when a
171 // user moves the message out of the Rejects mailbox to the intended mailbox
172 // (typically Inbox).
173 if d.m.MailboxDestinedID == 0 {
174 var mberr error
175 d.acc.WithRLock(func() {
176 mberr = d.acc.DB.Read(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
177 return assignMailbox(tx)
178 })
179 })
180 if mberr != nil {
181 return analysis{false, mailbox, smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, false, "error processing", err, nil, nil, reasonReputationError, dmarcOverrideReason, headers}
182 }
183 d.m.MailboxID = 0 // We plan to reject, no need to set intended MailboxID.
184 }
186 accept := false
187 if rs != nil && rs.AcceptRejectsToMailbox != "" {
188 accept = true
189 mailbox = rs.AcceptRejectsToMailbox
190 d.m.IsReject = true
191 // Don't draw attention, but don't go so far as to mark as junk.
192 d.m.Seen = true
193 log.Info("accepting reject to configured mailbox due to ruleset")
194 }
195 return analysis{accept, mailbox, code, secode, err == nil, errmsg, err, nil, nil, reason, dmarcOverrideReason, headers}
196 }
198 if d.dmarcUse && d.dmarcResult.Reject {
199 return reject(smtp.C550MailboxUnavail, smtp.SePol7MultiAuthFails26, "rejecting per dmarc policy", nil, reasonDMARCPolicy)
200 }
201 // todo: should we also reject messages that have a dmarc pass but an spf record "v=spf1 -all"? suggested by m3aawg best practices.
203 // If destination is the DMARC reporting mailbox, do additional checks and keep
204 // track of the report. We'll check reputation, defaulting to accept.
205 var dmarcReport *dmarcrpt.Feedback
206 if d.rcptAcc.destination.DMARCReports {
207 // Messages with DMARC aggregate reports must have a DMARC pass. ../rfc/7489:1866
208 if d.dmarcResult.Status != dmarc.StatusPass {
209 log.Info("received dmarc aggregate report without dmarc pass, not processing as dmarc report")
210 headers += "X-Mox-DMARCReport-Error: no DMARC pass\r\n"
211 } else if report, err := dmarcrpt.ParseMessageReport(log.Logger, store.FileMsgReader(d.m.MsgPrefix, d.dataFile)); err != nil {
212 log.Infox("parsing dmarc aggregate report", err)
213 headers += "X-Mox-DMARCReport-Error: could not parse report\r\n"
214 } else if d, err := dns.ParseDomain(report.PolicyPublished.Domain); err != nil {
215 log.Infox("parsing domain in dmarc aggregate report", err)
216 headers += "X-Mox-DMARCReport-Error: could not parse domain in published policy\r\n"
217 } else if _, ok := mox.Conf.Domain(d); !ok {
218 log.Info("dmarc aggregate report for domain not configured, ignoring", slog.Any("domain", d))
219 headers += "X-Mox-DMARCReport-Error: published policy domain unrecognized\r\n"
220 } else if report.ReportMetadata.DateRange.End > time.Now().Unix()+60 {
221 log.Info("dmarc aggregate report with end date in the future, ignoring", slog.Any("domain", d), slog.Time("end", time.Unix(report.ReportMetadata.DateRange.End, 0)))
222 headers += "X-Mox-DMARCReport-Error: report has end date in the future\r\n"
223 } else {
224 dmarcReport = report
225 }
226 }
228 // Similar to DMARC reporting, we check for the required DKIM. We'll check
229 // reputation, defaulting to accept.
230 var tlsReport *tlsrpt.Report
231 if d.rcptAcc.destination.HostTLSReports || d.rcptAcc.destination.DomainTLSReports {
232 matchesDomain := func(sigDomain dns.Domain) bool {
233 // RFC seems to require exact DKIM domain match with submitt and message From, we
234 // also allow msgFrom to be subdomain. ../rfc/8460:322
235 return sigDomain == d.msgFrom.Domain || strings.HasSuffix(d.msgFrom.Domain.ASCII, "."+sigDomain.ASCII) && publicsuffix.Lookup(ctx, log.Logger, d.msgFrom.Domain) == publicsuffix.Lookup(ctx, log.Logger, sigDomain)
236 }
237 // Valid DKIM signature for domain must be present. We take "valid" to assume
238 // "passing", not "syntactically valid". We also check for "tlsrpt" as service.
239 // This check is optional, but if anyone goes through the trouble to explicitly
240 // list allowed services, they would be surprised to see them ignored.
241 // ../rfc/8460:320
242 ok := false
243 for _, r := range d.dkimResults {
244 // The record should have an allowed service "tlsrpt". The RFC mentions it as if
245 // the service must be specified explicitly, but the default allowed services for a
246 // DKIM record are "*", which includes "tlsrpt". Unless a DKIM record explicitly
247 // specifies services (e.g. s=email), a record will work for TLS reports. The DKIM
248 // records seen used for TLS reporting in the wild don't explicitly set "s" for
249 // services.
250 // ../rfc/8460:326
251 if r.Status == dkim.StatusPass && matchesDomain(r.Sig.Domain) && r.Sig.Length < 0 && r.Record.ServiceAllowed("tlsrpt") {
252 ok = true
253 break
254 }
255 }
257 if !ok {
258 log.Info("received mail to tlsrpt without acceptable DKIM signature, not processing as tls report")
259 headers += "X-Mox-TLSReport-Error: no acceptable DKIM signature\r\n"
260 } else if reportJSON, err := tlsrpt.ParseMessage(log.Logger, store.FileMsgReader(d.m.MsgPrefix, d.dataFile)); err != nil {
261 log.Infox("parsing tls report", err)
262 headers += "X-Mox-TLSReport-Error: could not parse TLS report\r\n"
263 } else {
264 var known bool
265 for _, p := range reportJSON.Policies {
266 log.Info("tlsrpt policy domain", slog.String("domain", p.Policy.Domain))
267 if d, err := dns.ParseDomain(p.Policy.Domain); err != nil {
268 log.Infox("parsing domain in tls report", err)
269 } else if _, ok := mox.Conf.Domain(d); ok || d == mox.Conf.Static.HostnameDomain {
270 known = true
271 break
272 }
273 }
274 if !known {
275 log.Info("tls report without one of configured domains, ignoring")
276 headers += "X-Mox-TLSReport-Error: report for unknown domain\r\n"
277 } else {
278 report := reportJSON.Convert()
279 tlsReport = &report
280 }
281 }
282 }
284 // Determine if message is acceptable based on DMARC domain, DKIM identities, or
285 // host-based reputation.
286 var isjunk *bool
287 var conclusive bool
288 var method reputationMethod
289 var reason string
290 var err error
291 d.acc.WithRLock(func() {
292 err = d.acc.DB.Read(ctx, func(tx *bstore.Tx) error {
293 if err := assignMailbox(tx); err != nil {
294 return err
295 }
297 isjunk, conclusive, method, err = reputation(tx, log, d.m)
298 reason = string(method)
299 return err
300 })
301 })
302 if err != nil {
303 log.Infox("determining reputation", err, slog.Any("message", d.m))
304 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", err, reasonReputationError)
305 }
306 log.Info("reputation analyzed",
307 slog.Bool("conclusive", conclusive),
308 slog.Any("isjunk", isjunk),
309 slog.String("method", string(method)))
310 if conclusive {
311 if !*isjunk {
312 return analysis{accept: true, mailbox: mailbox, dmarcReport: dmarcReport, tlsReport: tlsReport, reason: reason, dmarcOverrideReason: dmarcOverrideReason, headers: headers}
313 }
314 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", err, string(method))
315 } else if dmarcReport != nil || tlsReport != nil {
316 log.Info("accepting message with dmarc aggregate report or tls report without reputation")
317 return analysis{accept: true, mailbox: mailbox, dmarcReport: dmarcReport, tlsReport: tlsReport, reason: reasonReporting, dmarcOverrideReason: dmarcOverrideReason, headers: headers}
318 }
319 // If there was no previous message from sender or its domain, and we have an SPF
320 // (soft)fail, reject the message.
321 switch method {
322 case methodDKIMSPF, methodIP1, methodIP2, methodIP3, methodNone:
323 switch d.m.MailFromValidation {
324 case store.ValidationFail, store.ValidationSoftfail:
325 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", nil, reasonSPFPolicy)
326 }
327 }
329 // Senders without reputation and without iprev pass, are likely spam.
330 var suspiciousIPrevFail bool
331 switch method {
332 case methodDKIMSPF, methodIP1, methodIP2, methodIP3, methodNone:
333 suspiciousIPrevFail = d.iprevStatus != iprev.StatusPass
334 }
336 // With already a mild junk signal, an iprev fail on top is enough to reject.
337 if suspiciousIPrevFail && isjunk != nil && *isjunk {
338 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", nil, reasonIPrev)
339 }
341 var subjectpassKey string
342 conf, _ := d.acc.Conf()
343 if conf.SubjectPass.Period > 0 {
344 subjectpassKey, err = d.acc.Subjectpass(d.rcptAcc.canonicalAddress)
345 if err != nil {
346 log.Errorx("get key for verifying subject token", err)
347 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", err, reasonSubjectpassError)
348 }
349 err = subjectpass.Verify(log.Logger, d.dataFile, []byte(subjectpassKey), conf.SubjectPass.Period)
350 pass := err == nil
351 log.Infox("pass by subject token", err, slog.Bool("pass", pass))
352 if pass {
353 return analysis{accept: true, mailbox: mailbox, reason: reasonSubjectpass, dmarcOverrideReason: dmarcOverrideReason, headers: headers}
354 }
355 }
357 reason = reasonNoBadSignals
358 accept := true
359 var junkSubjectpass bool
360 f, jf, err := d.acc.OpenJunkFilter(ctx, log)
361 if err == nil {
362 defer func() {
363 err := f.Close()
364 log.Check(err, "closing junkfilter")
365 }()
366 contentProb, _, _, _, err := f.ClassifyMessageReader(ctx, store.FileMsgReader(d.m.MsgPrefix, d.dataFile), d.m.Size)
367 if err != nil {
368 log.Errorx("testing for spam", err)
369 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", err, reasonJunkClassifyError)
370 }
371 // todo: if isjunk is not nil (i.e. there was inconclusive reputation), use it in the probability calculation. give reputation a score of 0.25 or .75 perhaps?
372 // todo: if there aren't enough historic messages, we should just let messages in.
373 // todo: we could require nham and nspam to be above a certain number when there were plenty of words in the message, and in the database. can indicate a spammer is misspelling words. however, it can also mean a message in a different language/script...
375 // If we don't accept, we may still respond with a "subjectpass" hint below.
376 // We add some jitter to the threshold we use. So we don't act as too easy an
377 // oracle for words that are a strong indicator of haminess.
378 // todo: we should rate-limit uses of the junkfilter.
379 jitter := (jitterRand.Float64() - 0.5) / 10
380 threshold := jf.Threshold + jitter
382 rcptToMatch := func(l []message.Address) bool {
383 // todo: we use Go's net/mail to parse message header addresses. it does not allow empty quoted strings (contrary to spec), leaving To empty. so we don't verify To address for that unusual case for now. ../rfc/5322:961 ../rfc/5322:743
384 if d.rcptAcc.rcptTo.Localpart == "" {
385 return true
386 }
387 for _, a := range l {
388 dom, err := dns.ParseDomain(a.Host)
389 if err != nil {
390 continue
391 }
392 if dom == d.rcptAcc.rcptTo.IPDomain.Domain && smtp.Localpart(a.User) == d.rcptAcc.rcptTo.Localpart {
393 return true
394 }
395 }
396 return false
397 }
399 // todo: some of these checks should also apply for reputation-based analysis with a weak signal, e.g. verified dkim/spf signal from new domain.
400 // With an iprev fail, non-TLS connection or our address not in To/Cc header, we set a higher bar for content.
401 reason = reasonJunkContent
402 if suspiciousIPrevFail && threshold > 0.25 {
403 threshold = 0.25
404 log.Info("setting junk threshold due to iprev fail", slog.Float64("threshold", threshold))
405 reason = reasonJunkContentStrict
406 } else if !d.tls && threshold > 0.25 {
407 threshold = 0.25
408 log.Info("setting junk threshold due to plaintext smtp", slog.Float64("threshold", threshold))
409 reason = reasonJunkContentStrict
410 } else if (rs == nil || !rs.IsForward) && threshold > 0.25 && !rcptToMatch(d.msgTo) && !rcptToMatch(d.msgCc) {
411 // A common theme in junk messages is your recipient address not being in the To/Cc
412 // headers. We may be in Bcc, but that's unusual for first-time senders. Some
413 // providers (e.g. gmail) does not DKIM-sign Bcc headers, so junk messages can be
414 // sent with matching Bcc headers. We don't get here for known senders.
415 threshold = 0.25
416 log.Info("setting junk threshold due to smtp rcpt to and message to/cc address mismatch", slog.Float64("threshold", threshold))
417 reason = reasonJunkContentStrict
418 }
419 accept = contentProb <= threshold
420 junkSubjectpass = contentProb < threshold-0.2
421 log.Info("content analyzed",
422 slog.Bool("accept", accept),
423 slog.Float64("contentprob", contentProb),
424 slog.Bool("subjectpass", junkSubjectpass))
425 } else if err != store.ErrNoJunkFilter {
426 log.Errorx("open junkfilter", err)
427 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", err, reasonJunkFilterError)
428 }
430 // If content looks good, we'll still look at DNS block lists for a reason to
431 // reject. We normally won't get here if we've communicated with this sender
432 // before.
433 var dnsblocklisted bool
434 if accept {
435 blocked := func(zone dns.Domain) bool {
436 dnsblctx, dnsblcancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 30*time.Second)
437 defer dnsblcancel()
438 if !checkDNSBLHealth(dnsblctx, log, resolver, zone) {
439 log.Info("dnsbl not healthy, skipping", slog.Any("zone", zone))
440 return false
441 }
443 status, expl, err := dnsbl.Lookup(dnsblctx, log.Logger, resolver, zone, net.ParseIP(d.m.RemoteIP))
444 dnsblcancel()
445 if status == dnsbl.StatusFail {
446 log.Info("rejecting due to listing in dnsbl", slog.Any("zone", zone), slog.String("explanation", expl))
447 return true
448 } else if err != nil {
449 log.Infox("dnsbl lookup", err, slog.Any("zone", zone), slog.Any("status", status))
450 }
451 return false
452 }
454 // Note: We don't check in parallel, we are in no hurry to accept possible spam.
455 for _, zone := range d.dnsBLs {
456 if blocked(zone) {
457 accept = false
458 dnsblocklisted = true
459 reason = reasonDNSBlocklisted
460 break
461 }
462 }
463 }
465 if accept {
466 return analysis{accept: true, mailbox: mailbox, reason: reasonNoBadSignals, dmarcOverrideReason: dmarcOverrideReason, headers: headers}
467 }
469 if subjectpassKey != "" && d.dmarcResult.Status == dmarc.StatusPass && method == methodNone && (dnsblocklisted || junkSubjectpass) {
470 log.Info("permanent reject with subjectpass hint of moderately spammy email without reputation")
471 pass := subjectpass.Generate(log.Logger, d.msgFrom, []byte(subjectpassKey), time.Now())
472 return reject(smtp.C550MailboxUnavail, smtp.SePol7DeliveryUnauth1, subjectpass.Explanation+pass, nil, reasonGiveSubjectpass)
473 }
475 return reject(smtp.C451LocalErr, smtp.SeSys3Other0, "error processing", nil, reason)